Nobody can use their imagination these days..They all need it presented to them on a silver platter and they can't think of it themselves.
It's a direct correlation with less kids reading now.
I completely disagree with this sentiment. I have a great imagination and I find fully voiced characters only add to the experience. I think technology reaching such cool technological heights is the correlation to kids not reading anymore. What's gonna draw them to say, reading Jurassic Park, when they can really experience the sights and sounds at the movies.
Imagine reading about Mars vs. GOING to Mars. Seriously, if you could be a tourist, like hopping on a safe tourist rocket... or reading about it, would you really choose reading about it? I think that is the mindset of people who like adding these extra layers beyond just imagining it yourself. We are human beings, we experience things through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch too, not just our imagination. These things are supposed to work in tangent with our senses, not fight amongst each of our other senses. You know what I mean?