I know if your a low level guy and you want to play with some friends who are in the next level bracket you just hope in and not have the abilities you would have had had you leveled up. But what about going down a bracket? If on release night me and a friend get a head start compared to our other friends cus we gonna be first in line motha (censored)'s, if we're level 7 for example and the rest of our friends are just starting out, how do we play with them in the lower brackets? Or can they only play with us?
If it were up to me i'd just downrank the character automatically and take away any abilities they accumulated after the highest possible rank for that bracket. So if we were level 7 and I was an engineer who wanted to play with level 1 friends I would lose my turret, mine, or w/e else I gained after level 4.
Again, i know this has probably been brought up before.