Let me briefly explain the idea: Opening posts of release threads here on TES forums or on the pertaining download pages on Tesnexus or whereever usually post the readme or a close approximation thereof, which of course is perfectly fine. But printing forum texts for off-line reading has been abolished with the latest software upgrade here on Beth, and it is also not readily possible on Tesnexus.
Then some mods are really big downloads, well in excess of 100MB. Not everybody wants to download a mod just to have a peek at the readme contained therein. From my experience I'd very much welcome the possibility to read the readme before actually downloading a major mod. What I'm usually most interested in is to know of any particular requirements and any potential incompatibilities, besides obviously the mod contents.
The proposed library would link to a third-party (free) webspace of mine where I would from time to time upload readme's as a convenience for players who think about getting a particular mod but would like to peruse the readme beforehand. I would very much restrict it to major popular mods because if it's only a small mod downloading it from TESN etc. is taking as long as downloading the readme only.
So much for the idea.
Now about the problems:
- There is the problem that the list becomes outdated as new versions of a mod are released but I forget to update the library.
- There is the possibilty that not all modders welcome the external hosting of their readmes.
- Any other problems??
I'd very much welcome your honest thoughts on this - pro and con. While I believe it could be a helpful convenience resource, I would not want to do something that the community is not supportive of or at least tolerant about it, so..... Thank you