I'm not sure if this problem belongs here, but I just bought the legendary edition, and I'm trying to download it on Steam. The problem is that it's at 0% and won't move. Does anyone know what to do?
I'm not sure if this problem belongs here, but I just bought the legendary edition, and I'm trying to download it on Steam. The problem is that it's at 0% and won't move. Does anyone know what to do?
not sure, i was able to download legendary edition but it wont run. thinking it might be steam.
It seems to be going very slowly now, as in I'll get it done in eight days. No joke. I think it'll speed up later, though. I'll let you know if mine won't start either when I... er... download it.
Ah. Never mind. I guess that was nothing because it's not moving. This is maddening!