'This game relies on downloadable content that is no longer available. Some objects may be no longer available. Continue Loading? Y/N......Y = The storage device you selected in no longer available. Load canceled'
Highly frustating game breaking error, meaning at best you have to revert to a save game 10 hours+ before...or your screwed.
Official post stated -
"On consoles, we are aware that a small group of 360 users are seeing a DLC warning which is preventing you from loading save games. We are absolutely looking into this bug now, along with other reports of save game corruption. It is our highest priority right now that we find out what is causing it. In the meantime, we recommend you save often, and revert to an older save if this occurs."
However from what I have seen it dosnt seem like a small group but more widespread across all platforms....have you expereinced this?