Hello. I've been wanting to build a house/lair for myself in FO3 for a while now, and I'm finally getting around to it. I'm rather fond of the house I made for Oblivion (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13944) and want to put my creative energies to work in the Fallout setting.
I've been planning this out for a while, and finally got around to starting to build the house. The original idea was to create something reminiscent of "V's" lair from the V for Vendetta movie . . . in other words, take an old subway hall and fill it with an eclectic mix of historical stuff. However, I got frustrated working with the metro tile sets, and have switched over to the Rivet City tile set, which has a lot more flexibility. I'm still aiming to retain that eclectic pre-war assortment of stuff though, since it fits in sooo nicely with the Fallout context.
This lair, tentatively named "Down Under" will include a http://www-personal.umich.edu/~okiley/Fallout/downunder_main_room.jpg (ignore the furnishings), with a catwalk surrounding about half of the wall space. This living space will include a kitchen, dinning, and general living room type space. Organized around this main living space will be:
- Master bedroom with attached bath
- Barracks area to sleep 5-6, also with an attached bath
- Armory room
- Medical bay
- Lab / workshop
- Entrance "ready room"
While the house is on the large side of things (for me at least), I'm striving to keep the layout very compact and accessible with the rooms right up next to each other rather than sprawling all over the place. In otherwords, while there are a fair number of rooms, I want it to have a cozy + well designed feel.
The Quest
I don't want to say too much about it, but I have a quest idea all planned out for how the player will come to own the house. It will involve a bit of history, significant moral choices (with an impact on karma), and some different outcomes.
The general idea is that you pick up a distress signal to help locate the house (I know, that isn't too original). When you arrive, all you'll see is a heavy (locked) door set in the side of a cliff as well as a terminal. The door can't be opened. Accessing the terminal, you begin to interface with house's programming routine. It explains that it's low on power (or has broken fuses or some such thing), and can't open the outer doors unless you can gather up repair materials and fix it yourself.
Once you do "fix" the door, the program decides it trusts you enough to let you inside . . . but only to the first entry room. From here, you begin another conversation with the program via a terminal. It again requests that you perform some "errands" for it before being granted access to the remainder of the facility. In the course of your errands, you begin to suspect that this "program" isn't quite as it seems. You'll have some tough choices to make on how to proceed.
I'll leave it at that for now

UPDATE: March 28, 2010
Just an update to you let you all know how Down Under is coming along. I reconfigured the layout to make it smaller and more compact. Otherwise, here's the status of where I am with things regarding the physical constriction of the house:
Layout: 100%
Portals: 100%
Big Clutter: 90%
Lighting: 95%
Small Clutter: 10%
Navmesh: 0%
Exterior Entrance: 0%
I haven't started the quest potion of the mod yet, and there will probably be a fair amount of work with that too.
Now, onto more pictures!
That's all for now!