I've got about 12 hours in, and so far it's not worth $70 (or $60). It's more like a $30 game to me. I've heard that the game gets better after the first 20 hours, but I had to do some internal wrestling to prevent myself from getting a refund. I'm trying to avoid the bias of my dislike of EA and past disappointments with Bioware.
I think if you like action games, you'll probably like it. But if you're hoping for DA:O or even Skyrim, you'll be very unhappy. It's much less open-world and even more theme park than Skyrim, so keep that in mind. Tactical mode is somewhere between wonky and broken, but I don't know if there would be a point if it was well made, because I've yet to see combat that required any serious thinking or strategy. I'm also not sure if Bioware has any PC gamers on staff, at least on the DA:I team. The control scheme for KB/M reminds me of KOTOR, but clunkier.
Overall, it feels like Assassin's Creed: Dragon Age to me, but with clunky controls. Not sure yet about the story and dialog, so far I can't say that it's particularly bad or good. The game does look great, though.
And keep in mind that this is my opinion early into the game.