Figured I would make the second thread since the last one reached post limit.
Figured I would make the second thread since the last one reached post limit.
Man. While I like the game a lot. I've been getting so pissed off at the lack of health regen. Died way too many times already. Maybe I should lower the difficulty or something.
Could also be that I'm just not used to the controls yet.
I have to wait until Thursday when I get back home. Ugh the wait is KILLING me! Since yesterday Inquisition is all I can think about. I N-N-N-NEED IT!
I'm so very very jealous of all you guys who are already playing
Ha, yea. There are no healing spells. Like, none whatsoever. Only potions heal and you can only carry 8 at the start.
And boy oh boy do enemy Mages seem godlike to my [censored] rouge. Didn't seem particularly spoiler-y.
(Finished Divinity. Final boss fight was annoying - made more so by the game dropping a bunch of epic loot, but then shoving you into the ending cutscene without letting you get it. Trying to resist running off to get Inquisition right away.....
edit: Hmm, have to go finish up my DA Keep file. My DA:O playthrough was on the Mac version, so it wasn't on Origin to load in automatically....
Does anybody with the game want to comment on the combat and related gameplay?
I finally started DA2 a while back (refused to pay even close to full price for it), and found that it wasn't as bad as I expected. But I absolutely loathed the hack-slash combat. I started on Nightmare, then tried Nightmare plus mods, then finally went to casual to just try to make it to the end. I've never done that on a game before. The story wasn't great, but I would have rated it a pretty good adventure game if not for the combat.
From what I've been reading, the combat in DA:I sounds like "improved clickfest", and I don't think I can handle that for the entire game.
Has anyone (specifically on the PC version) noticed any performance problems with they way they implemented the Denuvo DRM in Dragon Age Inquisition? I've seen people say that the game is reading/writing between 30-40GB per hour of game time.
Well, I do know from articles that you can pull out to an overhead view, paused, to command your party. Complete with being able to push a button to advance time (rather than entirely exiting pause) so that you can make adjustments & new orders as needed. And that the Kotaku reviewer said he didn't need to do that for average fights, but did do it for the big ones. (I believe this was on Normal).
But I haven't personally played it, so this is all heresay. Sorry.
...personally, DA:O was the one I switched to Easy because I just wanted to make it to the end/see how the story turned out.
I thought DA:O combat was decent, but needed more depth to be really engaging. I was fine with it until the endless spawn grindfest DLC, was that Awakening? DA2 (effectively) threw out the tactical element of combat, but didn't fully commit to the Diablo-style or whatever they were trying to emulate. And then they added the endless legions of paratroopers. It didn't work for me, but you're not the first person I've seen who preferred DA2 combat over DA:O.
I just want combat to be either interesting and challenging, or really, really fast.
Oh, DA2's combat wasn't necessarily anything to write home about, it just didn't get as tedious as DA:O's for me.
I wouldn't call DA2 a hack and slash, you still selected and enemy and your character moved to attack. DA:I is much worse in that regard, on controller you press right trigger to basic attack and you can hold it down to attack continuously. Your character will kind of lock on to the nearest enemy unless you press the focus camera button on the one you want. I personally like the new combat, it is a bit more action oriented but not in a bad way.
IMO DA2 gets a lot more flak than it deserves. It really isn't a bad game, they "Streamlined" some stuff, but at it's core it had the same style combat as DA:O, it was just flashier looking so it gave the appearance of an action game.
I am disappointed that I can't have one of my mages be a healer. Potions are fine and all but I have always been more into having a healer on my team. It Origins and 2 I always set my healer's tactics to heal party members under a certain health automatically.
I gotta keep the TES Mindset when playing this game on PS3. The game froze up on me four times now. Time to save every ten minutes.
If anyone is gonna get this game, do so; it's great. However, do not get it for PS3. The [censored] is buggy as hell.
Here's hoping for some kinda patch, asap.
Still, I'm loving the game. I spent an hour just hunting Rams and foxes. Sneaking up on them in stealth mode is too fun. xD
Well I must say with the Inquisition, aside from problems I knew I would have with the tactical camera, I haven't had that "wow" feeling since vanilla WOW. That "oh, what's over there" when I explore. I mean [censored], Val Royeaux is grand. It's small and I do wish they expanded it a bit, but the market square is georgeous. The scenery itself makes me WANT to explore and again haven't had that feeling since when WOW first came out.
BIOWARE [censored] UP MY TACTICAL CAMERA. Holy [censored], the hyperbole I can spew right now...
What classes are some of you fellow Dragon aging folk playing as?
I was going to pick this up for Thanksgiving break when I actually have time to play it, but first I have some questions for those who have played it already.
Can we assign attribute points like Origins? Are clothing articles broken down into individual pieces? Are the RPG mechanics there like Origins or gutted like DA 2?
Basically I want to know if I'm getting something like Origins, Dragon Age 2, or is it even more watered down and streamlined?
No, you can't assign points when you level up. You have the option to pick different talents from different skill trees. From what I have done so far with the crafting, no. You can gather the materials needed to craft different things but as far as breaking things down, I don't think you can.
It's easier to understand, but definitely doesn't give you the flexibility Origins gave you. For instance, and I do believe someone else mentioned it in this thread:
Yeah, that's not possible in Inquisition. The tactic menu that we had in Origins is not in Inquisition. I know I can go into greater detail with other things, but you're going to have to expand on the RPG mechanics bit for a better answer though. Don't want to tell you things you don't care about.
There is a behavior menu, I haven't played with it yet but I assume it is similar to the old tactics menu.