Dragon Age:Inquisition Game of the Year Edition is on sale for $30 and i was wondering what i should get first?
Dragon Age:Inquisition Game of the Year Edition is on sale for $30 and i was wondering what i should get first?
Since there is currently no DLC the Season Pass is pretty worthless at the moment.
Well, unless they put DAI on STEAM I'll never get it as I just hate Origins, so isn't much of a choice for me. My kids got me a $50 STEAM card (they must know me or something) and I went ahead and got the Season Pass, though I still don't like the idea of buying something before I know what it is...
Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY edition is a worthwhile investment, imo. The vanilla game is decent, but the DLC's are amazing and they add alot of content to the story.
Just wait to buy the season pass for Fallout 4 and buy Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY. Played that game to death and I'll be going back to it once I've had my fill of FO:4 (this time next year lol)
Depends largely on tastes. From everything I've seen and heard about Inquisition, I decided that Bioware is a thing of the past for me. Not liking what Origin says in it's TOS is another strong reason.
Dragon age inquisition is a pretty fun game, kinda plays like a hack and slash imo. I'd say it's more worth the money than the expansion pass, mainly because the pass doesn't have anything released yet
Exactly the reason why I wasn't interested. Along with Origin and the obviously abysmal PC controls that make FO4 look like an ergonomic miracle. According to videos I watched on youtube and criticism I read.
65 bucks at release for hack and slash, thank you, but no, thank you.
I kind of hated DA too. I'd played origins a few times but got sick of that as i do everything. Never finished Inquisition. Got pretty far but sick of dumping junk constantly, pretty similar to FO4 but I fairly early stopped picking up everything and was selective from the start. I just got Black ops3. No junk to carry but you only get 1 grenade. Heard bad things about SW battlefront.
DA:I is good but it's side missions are trash and it's DLC isn't worth $15 each( but if you getting GOTY version then go ahead). I say wait until you see what's in Fallout 4 season pass.
DA:I story isn't bad but the whole point of the game is clearly to set up the next Dragon age which become painfully obvious after the Tresspasser DLC.
So your problem is RPGs require you to pick up loot?
Its pretty clear it was made with a controller in mind imo. It seems like a lot of cross platform games anymore are made with the controller in mind
It was but I wouldn't call it a hack/slash at no more then any other RPG that have swords.
Obviously. But it's the laziness of not giving a damn about the PC players to not even adapt the UI and the keymaps.
In case of DA:I, add to this multiplayer. In my 50ies I couldn't care less about it. Quite obviously an Ukas from Big Brother to tag it on at all costs, so they can rake in on microtransactions.
I had no issues playing DA:I with keyboard & mouse. But, then, I frequently don't get the hyperbolic "ZOMG, the PC interface is utterly abysmal/horrific/crime-against-humanity" stuff that pops up on forums.
Anyway, OP - I'd say go for DA:I. There's no rush on the FO4 season pass. Not even any previews yet on the first DLC, so you've got time.
True. Seems EA want's to MP everything searching for more caps. Seems to be where their focus is as opposed to making a game for players, and it shows. Why I know if TES or FO ever try to pretend to be single player games with MP slapped on the franchise is over for me.
DAI starts out great! then just gets worse and worse till it farts out the ending.
DA: Inq is as many already have said, a good game. The DLC's was really good.
Of course there are some lame stuff in DA:Inq as well, like collecting the shards and stuff like that, but over all, it's a nice story and it will keep you occupied for a while.
Also, some of the enviroments you will be in are really beautiful, which is more than you can say about Fallout 4!
I'd like to know the content of all the dlcs, before buying blindly the season pass. I've got some expectations to be met in order of keeping my interest in Fallout 4 dlcs.
That sounds like one of the DLC's, the one with all the diplomacy in it. I can't even remember how it ended.