» Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:08 pm
So i played through the demo for xbox and the combat seems more fluid and fast paced. In origins, you would run and when you attacked, you would kind of attack slow but now its more fast paced. the quick thing on the side is back for you to hot key your spells/potions. The radial menu is basically the same with less options. You have an attributes page that looks kind of like the Mass effect 2 page. You can change your appearance, add tattoos, change your name much like dragon age 1 but that feature is locked in the demo. When you start, you choose male/female: warrior, mage, rogue but im not sure if that will be in the final or it was for the demo purpose. your inventory is locked but it looks very much like the originals with your armor, weapons, junk, ect. It is gorier and dismemberment is much more prominent with 2 handed weapons but you have a persistant gore option and can turn it off. When you level up, you still have your basic attributes like constitution, fortitude, magic, dexterity ect,. Your skill sets are now based off separate skill trees. So say like mage for example, you will have one tree for elemental, one for entropy, one for another specialization. In other words, its not all in a column and rows like the first. you can change your tactics for each party member in the start menu. you have basic commands like "hold" and "go there" in the radial menu. No frame rate drops that i experienced. there are more enemies on screen. It also seemed too easy for normal but the difficulty is locked on normal for the demo. When you first start, you cant change to your other party member which scared me but you can after you defeat the first wave and when it flashes back to when you escape lothering.
I really enjoyed playing it and the controls are basically the same. Any questions?