Top right is nice, lower right is mean. Not necessarily good or evil.
Also, nostalgia goggles much, Ratslayer? Might I remind you of this...
1. Lawful/Jedi
2. Neutral
3. Evil/Sith
...which was in nearly every dialogue in NWN, KotOR and JE?
Bioware moralities are only a slight bit above Bethesda's, and Dragon Age and ME IMPROVED upon what they did before. Being nice doesn't always result in the best outcome in neither ME nor Origins, so I consider DA2 to take the same route. It's what your character does, not how anyone reacts, that is determined. Way better now than before.
Never played KoToR or NWN and JE .
BW morality is worse tan bethesda, look at fallout 3 tenpenny tower, the pitt and harold, didnt notice any red or blue, or top and bottom indicatig good evil.
Again falllout NV does it properly, the devs arent putting thier morals in the game, you can be legion aand good, nncr and evil, etc.
DAO you had the anvil and the new drarven king, again no top bottom answer and no "this is good this is bad" only what you thought, ME alays had black and white, and as you can clearly see in ME2, renegades are punished, paragons rewarded, if the imports effects didnt make it obvious then maybe the facial scarring for being renegade was a give away, ormaybe the fact your ENIRE TEAM thinks the renegade option at the end is bad.
Not nostalgia goggles at all, the dialouge wheel svcks, BW cant impliment it properly.