Oh yeah, forgot about launch day DLC. Good God, at least with Shale they had the decency to give it away free if you bought the game first-hand. Frankly the fact that this DLC is completed and ready to go, and yet NOT included in the main game is disgusting.
I didnt agree with Shale, but its worse than shale because while shale was "Buy new game get this" this is "pre order waaay before the release" so I could pay £40 like the pre order guy, and still lose content, to me thats just wrong, much worse than the shale thing, and becuase its a character I expect it like the shale thing "hey heres a quest BUY DLC TO HAVE IT".
Also it was announced (and finished to the point where it had a trailer, so god knows how long it was made seperate) in January, they were still developing DA2, it was clearly witheld to get more new sales, which funny enough convinced many to buy pre owned so BW dont see a thing. You dont [censored] with your customers like that... Well some customers complaiend about it anyway, others were fine with it

Ah I just reminded myself I need to but it pre owned, on the other hand I want them to get money because I approve of them not using American voice actors becuase the game is set in fantasy Europe. Damn, shame they had to be [censored]s about the game though.
Also given the fact its recycled, I expect its rushed, I wonder if this will have more bugs than awakening, I wonder if they will patch them (unlike awakening).
Xetirox, can you PM me (people cant complain about s temping them with spoilers in thread then) i only read the thread and had a reason to hate Anders. Shame even if you killed her they would retconn her somehow... They still avent explained why she changed race though.