I'm going to buy the game at some point this year. I hope I haven't missed some things by not getting the preorder "signature edition". Probably haven't missed much that the regular edition won't have.
You lose out on the exiled prince dlc, so one character.
I say wait, after seeing the end, I expect dlc will be needed.
Yeah, it has Mass Effect approach; same few dungeons used again and again, with some paths blocked and entrances at different places. Still those dungeons are quite pretty. Just a sad fact with finite budget, when quality goes up quantity goes down.
BW has no excuse sorry, they arent that tight for cash.
To be honest, Garrus never even thought of having relations with humans. His hesitant "are we crazy for thinking about doing this?" attitude is quite realistic in showing a friendship becoming a romance.
Tali on the other hand... :shakehead:
As for DA 2, I am watching a podcast feed and I am around the point where
. Pretty meh so far. Squadmates are
boring except for maybe Varric and I am already sick of
Spoiler Merril's "oh dear I am so nervous and cute hehehe ^_^" shtick. I want Ashley Williams to pop in right now and pump her full of assault rifle pellets
Oh it gets much worse, there was a vid on youtube after Merrils romance, and the writers try to hard to make her cute, its not really a spoiler but some people will [censored] so
Spoiler In Hawkes mansion there is scenery you click Hawke says "Hanprints, has someone been swinging on the chandilier ? Merril.
I hated that. Allthough its either her or Isabella, or emo Fenris, or crazy old Anders.
Even though this is a DA thread, what's with the Tali hate among the gamers? To me she's a sweet kid. (Yeah, I know she's a fictional character.) Seriously, she's not only nice but a good fighter in the ME series. The scene where
Spoiler she finds her father's body
was believable to me. Now Garrus, I have to agree that that's a stretch, having a romance with a human.
Okay, back to the Dragon Age discussion.
Simple, Tali is fanservice, and a character who the writers tried to hard to make "cute" she gets nervous just talking to you, and apparently had a crush on you despite NEVER showing it before, and well she is just annoying.
Also the devs pretty much admit its fanservice becuase she wasnt a LI in the first game, the devs thought she wouldnt have many pople like her as a LI becuase of "chcken feet" thier words.
Oh and while that made me not really care for Tali, her fans made that hate. Blame the horrific "art" and creepy fan fics. Also The Talidoll, what has been seen...