WTH. lol. That's great! Who was the sleuth digging that up? Epic win.
For my part I think DA:2 is the worst possible sequel to DA:O. It should not be a sequel at all. Call it Dragon Age: Hawke. Or Dragon Age: Mash A. Or Dragon Age: Revolution or something. Not Dragon Age 2. I have no problems with the 'changes' that BioWare are trying to make to 'revolutionise' the genre. I have a problem with them doing it using the Dragon Age franchise. I suspect they'd change and do anything to the franchise to spin a dollar, and therefore I won't throw money at something that isn't even trying to be consistent.
If Gears of War 3 was suddenly an FPS, and Fenix and Dom were replaced by 'create your own character' stand-ins, without voices. Would the Gears fanbase cheer and say Epic are revolutionising the Gears franchise? No, they'd say they're fracking it up and urinating on the fanbase. There'd be some issues with the title "Gears of War 3". It would have to be Gears of War: Unreal Edition. Or Gears of War: Rampage, Headshot, or GODLIKE! Not... 3!
That's all I have issue with. lol Never shall I play Dragon Age 2, unless I pick it up second hand from a bargain bin, but since EA are effectively killing of the pre-owned market... That's not looking like an option either. So no DA:2 for me. Heh. :no: