They may not be worse, but they're definetly as bad. Bioware however has always gotten away with it because of their image as a developer. Everyone abuses the big bad publishers for being souless montrosities that survive on human souls and overcharging their customers. Bioware is just as bad if not worse when it comes to DLC. Seriously, $5 for an hour worth of game that recycles locations and enemies is a boor business ethic. But alas, because the fans of Bioware simply love them for their storytelling of seemingly pure goodness all the blame is shifted and people are willing to overlook the worst cases of consumer exploitation.
People arent just ignoring it, thats what bothers me, some guy tried to argue it was my fault the exiled prince dlc exists becuase I didnt buy it new. How would that change anything ?
And others are like "its optional" or "well you didnt pre order your fault". What BS, and BW are imo worse, activision pumps out yearly CoD, but look at BW.
Removal of companion armour = dlc
Less weapons = dlc
Removal of veichle = dlc
Day one dlc = Zaeed.
Important plot poits that should be covered in game = dlc Arrival (reapers show up) and LoTSB should have been in game.
Then they "streamlined lots of content, making it less of an rpg, but thats not the point of this. They are imo much worse, activision may churn out games, but damn atleast its a full (even if shallow) game. BW just give you some then have the rest as dlc. And they constantly move away and alienate fans, ME2 became more of a shooter, and DA2 became more of an action game, instead of building off the old fanbase/game they change it to try and get the bigger market. Bungie may make fps games lots of people dont like and will claim they milk halo, but damnit you cant deny they are good to their fans.
Its going to take me a while to work on ignoring a lot of things about it. It bothers my sense of continuity when storylines are ignored or dismissed. Anders, in several different playthroughs for Awakening for me, either died, or stayed with the Wardens. Anders will remain with the Grey Wardens to train the Order's next generation of mages. When he is called by the Circle of Magi to deliver a lecture on the nature of the Architect - much to the templars' dismay -, he tells the Commander of the Grey that his time with the Wardens is over. However, not two months later, he returns and the Wardens remain his home and lasting companions. He went back to teach at the Circle, then returned to the Wardens. Justice either died at the siege of the Keep, or stayed with the Wardens, served the Order for many years, fighting darkspawn resistance pockets; finally appearing at Kristoff's wife Aura's doorstep one day smiling, and fall over dead. I always did the companion quests. Not to mention my Warden and Leliana were off gathering information about the darkspawn, after leading an expedition to Haven. Now I find out that none of that actually happened.
So either DA2 happens in the two months Anders was gone, or they changed the story. Justice was fighting darkspawn for many years, including, at least the way I read it, the time Anders is off lecturing about the Architect, so his interaction with Anders would have been when?. When did what happened in DA2 happen for the characters in my game?
I might have pre-ordered the game if they hadn't called it DA2. Dragon Age: Rise of the AWESOME SPARTAN General Ninja Samurai, maybe? I had fun playing Jade Empire. Jade Dragon Empire: Rise of the AWESOME Button? Both JE and DA2 seem to have jumping rolling spinning kicking leaping attacks against various undead and demons. You can even use a staff. Oh well. There are other games coming out that I am looking forward to, with the hope that, although things will be changed, the changes won't be of the "hot-rod samurai awesome button" variety.
I am kinda looking past the anders thing, since I found out the flemmith reason
Spoiler That amulet she delivers has part of her soul, bringing her back to life when released, so even if dead later, it makes sense.
And that proves that the events of DAO were under a year...
I absolutely love Dragon Age 2!! It is way better than Dragon Age: Origins way better it destroys it.
... Ok, reasons are...
I didn't expect a direct sequel, but I didn't expect a game that seemingly retcons half the lore of its predecessor, either. That causes serious immersion issues for me. As for the combat - I like good action RPG's, and DA2 isn't one. It's a poor attempt to meld action mechanics on an engine designed for more strategic gameplay. And don't get me started on encounter design. Almost every single battle consists of fighting waves of enemies spawning out of thin air.
This is my issue, I like an action rpg, and I liked origins. But mixing the 2 ruins both. In the demo I found it played too fast, and the fact the AI was just idiotic made it worse, I would do something then move to another character then have to manage a different one becuase they had gotton themselves in trouble, because of the speed, I quickly notice my rogue is taking on an ogre, I control them, then the ogre goes for bethany, it was basically me babysitting them, and avelines taunt did NOTHING to get the damn things attention. The game cant be action, it needs tactics, its harder to be tactical becuase of bad AI and its too fast. And when I wasnt using her aveline stood still not even attacking, this game needs to be patched, and they need to really rethink the next DA game.
Now, now, we are a civilized people, not a bunch of Nord barbarians...we put him into the iron maiden!

Oh, just great...the DRM might not be the worst out there, but the fact that they didn't inform anyone (or even their own devs) does not bode well in the future. >_<
No wonder Steam is going to take over the world.
They missed a few things out when adressing the public, like how the console version has no auto attack.
Also the game is bad because it took the ME2 approach to the ending,
Spoiler hellllllllooo dlc expansion needed to finish story the game should have had. Atleast origins left the game closed, weither you got awakening or not you had an end. Hell they didnt even have an epilouge I saw both endings, thats right as far as I know there are only 2. And both end the same, they jsut change a few words, maybe 5... Yeah great work, meaning this sets up an end that is pretty much canon, and an expansion. They fail
Oh man this is GREAT. After I post about whats wrong with BW I see this
Still think activision is worse ?