» Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:13 am
I've played further into DA2. It's weird, I don't hate the game by any means, I'm interested to see how the story plays out, though thus far - to me, mind you, and I haven;t been getting into spoilers - they are making this political situation pretty obvious, a lot of stuff is pretty easily telegraphed. Foreshadowing with an anvil, as it were. Who would be pro-slavery? If you are playing a mage character (and I am, as usual) there are only a few decisions where I waffle for a few moments on whether to send someone for help at the chantry or help them escape. It's kind of like my brain is going "yeah, yeah... this will affect the outcome maybe, but... eh, I'll just go with column b for an answer." My Hawke has no real personality, in spite of being voiced and inspite of the decisions she's supposedly made - she still feels like a cipher.
The game is... fun and I will play it through. But I probably won't replay it quickly, if at all, unless the second half gets super awesome. DAO was an engaging, engrossing game. I was vested in the characters in that game, the dialogue made the story, the game had a heart, it seemed. This one feels kind of shiny and slick but souless. Again, I am not saying it's not fun... it's fun. The characters in this game are not, with the exception of Varric, that engaging at all. Yeah, a few clever witticisms, but they aren't that interesting. I havve a white-haired emo elf - what a depressing "romance" scene that was - he pulls emo bs and leave the girl sitting on the bed. I have a completely uninteresting Anders. You'd think merging with a spirit would make him kind of cool - nope, just makes him kind of whiny and humorless. Isabela is kind of fun, but she's a predictable stereotype. She could be wearing a tee-shirt that says "Saucy Wench" on it. Aveline is, thus far, pretty boring. Yeah, sorry being captain has some corporate bs to go along with it. boohoo. Carver, who I didn't take to the deeproads because he was just a really annoying character anyway, is now not available to my party. So if he was going to improve for me, too late. Merrill I kind of like, but I can sort of see where her story arc is going. The archer dude - boring. I hear echoes of the fun banter I had in DAO, sometimes it's not bad, but it most of the time feels like a pale imitation. And that's probably because I have not gotten as interested in what happens to these characters, including my own.
And the combat... :facepalm: it's like someone - probably an idiot in upper management - was all "make it extreeeeeeme! Make it like they are drinking redbull - mountain dew cocktails and make it noisy and ramp it up to eleven!!1!!" It's so over-powered and splashy that it's actually kind of boring. It lacks finesse, and basically although I manage my characters when I can, simply because I want to, but... really, I can just have my mage spam the massive shock aoe, flre aoe and ice cone and even on normal mode, I've wrapped things up between sips of water. It's like the fighting is all these awesome finishing moves - but used constantly, all strung together, on hyperspeed. On normal mode, which is what I prefer to play, I think I had only Hawke die 1 time so far, and I got Isabela killed. And the battles... feh, waves of the same enemy from the same locations is boring after the 10th time.
I know this all sounds negative and obviously I am disappointed in the game - but I am disappointed because it lacks warmth or emotion or whatever it was in the first game that grabbed me. But I'm also okay with it enough to keep playing - I'd like to see how they finish the story they are setting up. But I kind of wish I had waited until this game dropped in price - something I never would have thought I would say about a sequel to one of my favorite games.