Finished DA2 yesterday. There's been some discussion about the length of the game; I'll just chip in and say that I did EVERYTHING (I seriously went out of my way to complete every single sidequest I found, no matter how boring and meaningless it was (and most were just that)) and I completed it in 30 hours.
In my opinion, this game is a huge step down from DAO, and I wasn't all that excited about that one either. DAO had great companions and dialogue, which was the only thing that made me get through the whole game, because the story was so freakin' cliché I almost wanted to beat my head to the wall sometimes (a.k.a. :banghead: ).
With DA2, though, the dialogue was completely ruined, in my opinion. Both the writing (just search YouTube for the lovescenes *shivers*), and the way it's presented. In DAO, you had a list of responses where you had to decide yourself what was good or bad, or whether a character would respond farourably to what you said. In DA2, though, the dialogue system tells you exactly how the characters will respond and whether the response is good or evil. It's especially bad when pursuing a romantic relationship where the game basically tells you "here's the romance option, click it and have fun" - whereas in DAO, you had to get to know the characters to know what to say to them and give them gifts you've learned that they'd appreciate. This leads to everything in DA2 seeming flat. None of the characters seem really interesting. Also, the fact that you can only talk to them after certain plot points is frustrating. There's so little dialogue and time to get to know them that they barely even have the time to be developed into something interesting. Character roles are set in stone, too. Need a tank? Aveline. Need a healer? Anders. The companions' unique skill trees basically force you to give them predetermined roles, and if you try to steer them away from that role, all you'll get is an inferior character.
My other main gripe is the combat. EVERY SINGLE BATTLE IS THE SAME. It doesn't matter if you're battling a horde of demons or a group of mercenaries, they all die just as fast and they all come in similar numbers with a similar number of reinforcements. Only a handful of enemies even have a unique ability. Every fight in the game, except a couple of boss fights, play the same way. As a bow'n'arrow rogue I just launched AoE attacks until I ran out of stamina, then I just picked off the remaining opponens. Rinse and repeat through the whole game.
The fact that your character is the only one who can equip armor also makes 90% of the loot you pick up vendor trash. As soon as you find something you can't wear yourself you just sell it. And considering the characters in the game have such predetermined roles you usually bring the same ones with you all the time, and when they are decently equipped you just vendor all the weapons and accessories you find as well.
Also, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE, COPY-PASTE. Dungeons all look the same, armor looks are recycled and loads of items have the same name but different stats (inventory is usually a huge mess, especially the accessories tab). Even outdoor environments are recycled. You'd think that when the game is centered around such a small area (only one city and its outskirts), those areas would be varied and interesting. But no, most places are just recycled and empty. I find it amusing how the game begins by telling you how full the city is, and when you get inside, it's just really desolate.
Performance was way down from DAO, as well. I played DAO at 2560x1600 with all settings on highest and 4xAA, no lag at all. With DA2 I had to crank everything down to lowest, and it still froze from time to time. With DX11 enabled the FPS sometimes dropped to about 1 frame per 10 seconds at completely illogical places.
All in all I think this game just meandered from one mediocre part to the next mediocre part with nothing to really excite you. There was a single character in the whole game that I actually REALLY liked;
Spoiler the Qunari mage you are tasked to liberate.
He has fantastic dialogue that manages to feel both deep and stern at the same time. Of course, they killed this character off after a few minutes.