Oh my the conversation wheel. You decline a offer and you end up telling the person to go F themselves. LOL I lost so many paragon points because of its confusing choices. At least the color coded wheel lets you know which is which now.
My worst was "why not disable the ship ?" turned into "you harm innocents to stop him, your a terrorist with a badge." right after I finished BDtS and let people die to kill Balek.
"I gave you a chance to save them, you let them die. Who is the real terrorist here".
"You are, but your dead *shoots*"
I would let him bleed out, but if I take that option I dont get a badass line.
Precisely. I actually played DAO yesterday too, to refresh my memory after being disappointed by DA2. I think the problem here is as with many other games: DAO was developed for the PC and then rushed to consoles, DA2 was developed for consoles and rushed for the PC. It's very noticeable in the inventory, for example. DAO had rather small menus that contained a lot of information and many practical little features such as weapon set switching, whereas DA2 has noticeably bigger menu elements and less features and buttons. I played both games on PC, and now that I went back to DAO to compare (hadn't played it since it was released basically) I immediately thought "woah, this is sooo much better"... I was really surprised at how everything just feels more cohesive and indepth. It's a larger difference than I remembered it to be.
Its not rushed for consoles, its just rushed. The conousole argument dosent work, DAO was awesome on console. DA2 is bad on pc and console.
Besides its just more interesting without the hints, like how I have to act around certain people, sten is interesting, and there isnt a "hey clck this to get this reaction" or anything, I had to guess which one would be good or bad for him to like me, same for Shale.
The wheel is just bad, ithas no redeeming qualities other than it takes up less space on screen.