I personally didn't like this game at all compared to the first one... they hyped up the combat but they only made 2 changes to it, the first one being that instead of pressing the attack button once per target you now have to mash it repeatedly. change #2 is cross class combos. I didn't think about using or setting cross class combos up through tactics at all throughout a normal playthrough.
My opinions on the games story are contained within this spoiler block:
The story is meh... there's nothing new at all about the Darkspawn or Flemeth (besides the fact that she's still alive despite anything you may have done to her in DA:O) and the problems that they introduce in this title are also left in cliffhangers. feels like an obvious attempt at leaving the story open so they can milk as much money as they can with DLC (which I will not be getting) that fills the gaps in the story... They have a looooootttttttt of 'splainin to do in #3 that's for sure.
The environments are great until you notice that there are only about 20 in the game,Deep Roads, Cave, and Dungeon environments have about 2 variants and that's it. Those 6 different environments are the same ones they use for every dungeon and cave in the game. The only difference between these environments is that certain passages are either closed or open and loot containers are shuffled around.
Named unique locations feel bland and unchanging. Environments such as the town of Kirkwall (where the games events are centered) don't even change over the course of the 10 years in which this game takes place, aside from superficial things like rearranging loot containers that are placed around said environment. That isn't to say that the people inside Kirkwall don't change however, because they do...well the important people do. There are no events that take place in the game that seem to impact the entire city in a noticeable way (until the end anyway, and seeing as it's THE END, you don't get to see how the city or its inhabitants change anyway).
I feel really sad when I say this, but to me it seems that Bioware has finally decided that it loves money more than the stories that they craft, especially when DLC is available to purchase off the shelf from day one... I mean what the hell is that about? Just include it with the game you sellouts....
Sorry if this comes across as a little... angry... I just wish I rented it instead of buying it. I honestly feel like I was robbed.