Well, I just finished DA2 (after playing it a LOT over the last few days to take advantage of my break) and I can say I’m disappointed, but not as much as I thought I’d be.
Storywise it felt like The Witcher. The obvious factional war immediately made me think of The Witcher rather than Dragon Age. Also there was the problem in that while Origins had a clear goal at all times, DA2 seemed to….flounder…somewhat. There was in my eyes never really a sense where there was a deliberate goal that Hawke was working towards except
Spoiler when raising money for the Deep Roads expedition
. Too much of the time I seemed to simply be going between disconnected missions to advance the story, with all the major plot points only occurring at the end of each act after the “filler” had been completed. Also, what happened to the 10 years thing? By my count there were only 6-7 years unless we include the time up to Varic’s interrogation as well. Also, the whole finale
Spoiler made me honestly feel as though the whole of DA2 was little more than a setup for Dragon Age 3. Who knows, it could turn out well, but I really didn’t get the sense that Hawke had become “the most important person in the Dragon Age universe” by the end.
The companions did somewhat warm up to me eventually. I actually felt a sense of emotion when
Spoiler Bethany had to be recruited in the Wardens and Leandra was killed
and I felt myself getting attached to Varric, Sebastian and Anders, actually being surprisingly angered when
Spoiler Anders destroyed the Chantry
. However I did encounter quite a few glitches. Merrill’s dialogue in her home went out of order, so
Spoiler she was talking of her clan heating her and destroying the mirror BEFORE I actually went on her companion quest back to Sundermount, which ruined the drama for her at least. I also had problems with Fenris, who simply refused to talk to me throughout the game past his original introductory quest. I got a “lets move on” message but that was about it.
Graphics wise I’m really disappointed. Because I use XP I was limited to the ‘Medium’ setting and the game in many cases looked worse than Origins. The Darkspawn look absolutely terrible (and what the hell happened to the Genlocks, did they magically disappear?), the Elves now resemble skinny Welsh giraffes and Kirkwall is filled with NPCs who appear to have been created by technology from 1986. Even the returning characters like
Spoiler Sandal and Leliana look worse than they did in Origins. I particularly thought that Allistair horrible compared to Origins and Bodhan appears to have been on cocaine by the ways his eyeballs were sticking out.
The new art direction really didn’t suit me at all. It just felt rushed and the cut-corners were obvious all over the place.
And by the way Bioware, if you’re having a story that’s spanning “10 years”, at least actually make it seems as though the city has changed over 10 years ey? Having the same unchanging merchants in the same spot selling the same stuff in the same area with no environmental change whatsoever completely broke any sense of immersion I had.
Gameplaywise, I found the combat to be immature and so much removed from Origins that it could barely be called a sequel. While the combat mechanics worked fairly well, it made DA2 feel like an action game, and the over-the-top blood felt like I was playing a game intended for 13 year old males. Enough has been said on the removal of stuff like Origin stories, so I wont go there, but I was really annoyed by the crafting and skills system. I liked having to invest points into those skills to be able to access the best crafting equipment, as well as provide my own resources. Now finding a mushroom means you have a seemingly unlimited supply and companions are only there for combat. I also really missed Coercion. I was great to play through Origins once with maximum coercion and once without any. It really changed how I dealt with situations in the game. Here, the whole thing has been Mass Effectified, so you only have “Good, Bad and Funny”. All ambiguity was removed and the sense of conversations being a “game within a game” is gone, replaced by Commander Hawke of the SSV Kirkwall.
I’m probably making it out to be far worse than it actually was. I did find myself enjoying it more towards the end, once I got used to the changes from Origins. However the game was obviously rushed, and Bioware trying to excuse every change with a self-righteous answer is annoying me to no end. As this is obviously now the direction that Dragon Age will take, I fear for the series. Dragon Age 2 was not a great game. It was a slightly above average Roleplaying game, but a poor Dragon Age game, and definitely not up to Bioware’s usual standard. When compared to Origins, DA2 really doesnt have anything it can say was improved in my eyes. All that being said, I’m not looked forward to the plethora of half-arsed DLC we’re now sure to get so EA can keep milking the cow.
Edit: bleh thats been formatted somewhat badly. Oh well you guys will manage.