Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening & DA2

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:11 am

Auto attack was a toggable option.

For PC, they conveniently let us now THE DAY BEFORE RELEASE WHEN PRE ORDERS CANT CANCEL, that consoles dont have that feature becuase of a "glitch" orr some BS, that was known since the demo...
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:33 pm

I don't know, bad combat, bad control, bad skill balance, bad AI and tactic allocation, bad companion balance.

The the recycling every single "dungeons" including all house in high town.

I don't see what the big problem with the recycling is, and never noticed any problem with the other things. Maybe now you understand how i could enjoy Fallout 3 :P
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Cody Banks
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:34 am

I don't see what the big problem with the recycling is, and never noticed any problem with the other things. Maybe now you understand how i could enjoy Fallout 3 :P

Fallout recycled metros, DA2 has about 4 things. You cant even compare the amout of recycleing. Especially since falllout is an open sandbox.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:00 am

Fallout recycled metros, DA2 has about 4 things. You cant even compare the amout of recycleing. Especially since falllout is an open sandbox.

Difference is that Fallout 3 and Oblivion had dungeons constructed from set pieces, they had same areas, but combined differently. DA2 just uses the same dungeons with entrance being different place and some doors unsable. Exactly how the random encounter map in Origins was used, BTW. Still, i don't see a problem with either method.

And the exploding enemies are stupid, but that is why got the PC version.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:34 am

At least in FO3 or Oblivion Beth make an effort to make them "seem" different; hell you can even say Diabo recycle maps, but at least it is arrange differently.

But in DA2, they didn't even bother to rearrange any of the dungeons; they simply close some doors and done.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:58 pm

As long as they don't drip-feed it to us in tiny DLCs as seems to be their wont; the way Flemeth just disappeared was another element that left it feeling rather unfinished IMHO.

I don't care how they do it I just want to see the story. A game would be preferable but DLC or expansions will be release faster. Dragon Age is a game that I don't care about gameplay, I only care about the story. I never really like Origins or DA2 for gameplay, the story is what made me play them. I'm more of a Elder Scrolls guy, I'd rather that for my gameplay needs and DA for my story needs.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:19 am

Fallout recycled metros, DA2 has about 4 things. You cant even compare the amout of recycleing. Especially since falllout is an open sandbox.

Actually, Fallout 3 metro's pretty much always had different layouts, with different stuff inside them, even if they had common set peices. Also, Real life D.C's underground metro's (the only ones F3 depicted) all look pretty damn similar, so it's also a more accurate depiction that the interiors all have the same aesthetics.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:38 am

I don't care how they do it I just want to see the story. A game would be preferable but DLC or expansions will be release faster. Dragon Age is a game that I don't care about gameplay, I only care about the story. I never really like Origins or DA2 for gameplay, the story is what made me play them. I'm more of a Elder Scrolls guy, I'd rather that for my gameplay needs and DA for my story needs.

I'm as impatient as anyone, but I'd rather see them develop it according to a realistic schedule: I do care about gameplay and DA2 was rushed to the point where most elements were adversely affected; many others have commented about the impact on gameplay more eloquently than I'll manage, but its story was also negatively affected, the loose end with Flemeth being but one example (but by no means the most incongruous).

Unfortunately, it seems Bioware are taking some of their cues from the "I don't care, I want it now" element and are delivering accordingly.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:40 am

I'm as impatient as anyone, but I'd rather see them develop it according to a realistic schedule: I do care about gameplay and DA2 was rushed to the point where most elements were adversely affected; many others have commented about the impact on gameplay more eloquently than I'll manage, but its story was also negatively affected, the loose end with Flemeth being but one example (but by no means the most incongruous).

Unfortunately, it seems Bioware are taking some of their cues from the "I don't care, I want it now" element and are delivering accordingly.

They gameplay in both games were efficient enough, its a shame some skills were removed but I can live with it. I am still more interested in the story than anything else in the game. I know Bioware isn't going to make DA3 like Origins, I believe they said this themselves. So thats why I don't care, they aren't going to change and I can't make them change so there is not point to complain. Its all EA's fault really, maybe the reason I don't seem to care is the fact that I didn't pay for this game. I just played it on my room mates gaming rig down in the basemant of our apartment. I do plan on buying it sometime down the road but that is not happening until the price drops or a ultimate edition is released. I see DA2 as more of a set up for DLC and DA2. Maybe we will see what happens with Flemeth and the Grey Wardens in DLC or DA3. I remember Alistair saying there was a important mission he had to attend to which was more important than the Qunari, I'm thinking it has something to do with Flemeth or Morrigan.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:08 am

Auto attack was a toggable option.

Yes and if they wouldn't have rushed the game I wouldn't be complaining about that feature. Also it's complete BS and negligence that it wasn't in when the Devs specificly said that Auto Attack was in and was a toggable option. I'd probably still have my copy of DA 2 if it had auto attack in it.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:47 pm

Yes and if they wouldn't have rushed the game I wouldn't be complaining about that feature. Also it's complete BS and negligence that it wasn't in when the Devs specificly said that Auto Attack was in and was a toggable option. I'd probably still have my copy of DA 2 if it had auto attack in it.

I actually enjoyed the no auto attack on consoles. It made the combat better for me when playing as a warrior or dual weilding rogue. As a archer or mage I prefer auto attack. Its great that its toggable because it allows me to have the best of both worlds.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:39 am

Well the main story is, like I said, only good if it is written by someone under 15, and would not win any decent prize. The whole thing is so skewered to Meredith that her only fault is to pick up the idol; and there is simply no reason to stretch the events over a decade.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:50 am


Its pretty much spot on, like usual.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:41 am

I was disappointed in it. It could've been much better. Much like the game itself :P
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:58 pm

Well the main story is, like I said, only good if it is written by someone under 15, and would not win any decent prize. The whole thing is so skewered to Meredith that her only fault is to pick up the idol; and there is simply no reason to stretch the events over a decade.

Yeah they were better off doing a 1 to 3 year story and no Varric Narration at the end, instead of 10 years and having Varric narrate the story from the end.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:05 am

Well the main story is, like I said, only good if it is written by someone under 15, and would not win any decent prize. The whole thing is so skewered to Meredith that her only fault is to pick up the idol; and there is simply no reason to stretch the events over a decade.

Meredith is a zealot even sans-idol. The mages are desperate and stupid. Both sides are wrong, but the Templars more so than the mages.

Mages don't choose to be mages, they are simply born that way. instead of treating them like monsters and locking them away, driving them to want freedom to the point where it becomes an obsession the Templars and/or chantry should be striving to teach them the dangers of magic and rather than lock them up, supervise them. Sure, you'd always be watched by Templars, but being allowed to leave what is basically a prison is a good start. Letting mages live normal lives, though with Templar supervision (A parole officer of sorts) would go a long way, the order is certianly numerous enough to do so. A mage that hates the order and feels imprisoned will eventually rebel, a mage that is happy with life most likely will not. Those that do could simply be killed on the spot, nobody will argue against the death of an abomination. This whole system is open to abuse by both parts, but it's less likely to backfire than the current one, which so far has always backfired in some way. You'd think the Templars would take the hint eventually, but no. If Cullen had been in charge, the situation in Kirkwall may have been different, putting Meredith in charge was doomed from the start.

The rite of tranquility is monstrous, not much more to say on that one, it's a fate far, far worse than death and I don't see how the Templars can justify using it at all. Any decent human being would simply kill them instead.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:43 am

Meredith is a zealot even sans-idol. ... If Cullen had been in charge, the situation in Kirkwall may have been different, putting Meredith in charge was doomed from the start.

I suppose as in real life, it's not so much the cream but the turd that floats to the top. She was genuinely dislikeable probably because we've all seen a similarly unfit person in that sort of position. Of course Cullen wouldn't have made such an interesting story. :lol:

The rite of tranquility is monstrous, not much more to say on that one, it's a fate far, far worse than death and I don't see how the Templars can justify using it at all. Any decent human being would simply kill them instead.

It is rather horrifying. I hadn't really considered it much when first encountering the tranquil guys at Ostagar, at least not beyond "hmm, they're a bit odd", but the more I thought about it, the nastier it seemed. I seem to recall seeing it described as basically anologous to a lobotomy, which though frequently misunderstood has a largely deserved reputation.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:39 pm

Meredith is a zealot even sans-idol. The mages are desperate and stupid. Both sides are wrong, but the Templars more so than the mages.
Looks at how many do blood magic, yeah, I disagree, add in what one amge can do, and that was a "good" mage.
Mages don't choose to be mages, they are simply born that way. instead of treating them like monsters and locking them away, driving them to want freedom to the point where it becomes an obsession the Templars and/or chantry should be striving to teach them the dangers of magic and rather than lock them up, supervise them. Sure, you'd always be watched by Templars, but being allowed to leave what is basically a prison is a good start.
It dosent work well, look at anders in DAO.
Letting mages live normal lives, though with Templar supervision (A parole officer of sorts) would go a long way, the order is certianly numerous enough to do so.
One templar to one mage ? That woul be easy for the mage to escape and cause havoc.
A mage that hates the order and feels imprisoned will eventually rebel, a mage that is happy with life most likely will not. Those that do could simply be killed on the spot, nobody will argue against the death of an abomination.
Mages arent easy to kill.
This whole system is open to abuse by both parts, but it's less likely to backfire than the current one
Each individual mage running about seems more likely to backfire imo.
, which so far has always backfired in some way. You'd think the Templars would take the hint eventually, but no. If Cullen had been in charge, the situation in Kirkwall may have been different, putting Meredith in charge was doomed from the start.
She has reasons, besides she went crazy from other effects she would have been much better without that clouding her mind.
The rite of tranquility is monstrous, not much more to say on that one, it's a fate far, far worse than death and I don't see how the Templars can justify using it at all. Any decent human being would simply kill them instead.
Thats your view, it keeps the mages harmless and they can still live, they should be given an offer death or tranquility. But atleast tranquil are harmless.

Bold. Besides look at what happened to
that one nice templar who rebels, betrayed by a blood mage, dosent exactly help.
Also Orsino helped the serial killer.

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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:54 am

Well the main story is, like I said, only good if it is written by someone under 15, and would not win any decent prize. The whole thing is so skewered to Meredith that her only fault is to pick up the idol; and there is simply no reason to stretch the events over a decade.

The game doesnt even feel like its spread over a decade. The whole thing could have easily happened in a year with the jumps in time being a few weeks long. Kirkwall doesnt change at all, so there's no indication or feeling of any flow of time.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:54 pm

Well, there is the statue of unknown at the docks in Act 3... :P
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:21 am

Meredith was certainly sincere about keeping the circle together and works for everyone, she even rejected the project which tranquilizing every single mage in the circle. But again and again the mages in DA2 just turn to blood magic for, well, the temptation of the demons.

While I agree someone in the circle needs to know a knot or two about blood magic to fight the demons (look at how useless Bethany was at the end of the possession conspiracy quest), Orsino harboring that serial killer is clearly out of the line.

And Anders, the master of disinformation. You don't see the templars "suppress" mage aside from the few individual. His plan of freeing mages from the circle would only allow the demons to find easy prey.
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:39 am

Did anyone notice how easy to kill Templars are when playing a Mage? Aren't they supposed to be feared by mages since they are trained to be mage hunters?
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stevie trent
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:53 am

Lieutenants and Hunters can be pretty tough. Of course why would they have ninja Templars in heavy armor is another question... :P
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:46 am

Hunter Templars = Bane of the Mage

It's kind of funny, nearly every single mage is using blood magic gameplay wise. So... I think I owe dead Meredith an apology.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:02 am

Seriously for people trained to drain and resist magic, they are killed pretty easily by mages.
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