Well the main story is, like I said, only good if it is written by someone under 15, and would not win any decent prize. The whole thing is so skewered to Meredith that her only fault is to pick up the idol; and there is simply no reason to stretch the events over a decade.
Meredith is a zealot even sans-idol. The mages are desperate and stupid. Both sides are wrong, but the Templars more so than the mages.
Mages don't choose to be mages, they are simply born that way. instead of treating them like monsters and locking them away, driving them to want freedom to the point where it becomes an obsession the Templars and/or chantry should be striving to teach them the dangers of magic and rather than lock them up, supervise them. Sure, you'd always be watched by Templars, but being allowed to leave what is basically a prison is a good start. Letting mages live normal lives, though with Templar supervision (A parole officer of sorts) would go a long way, the order is certianly numerous enough to do so. A mage that hates the order and feels imprisoned will eventually rebel, a mage that is happy with life most likely will not. Those that do could simply be killed on the spot, nobody will argue against the death of an abomination. This whole system is open to abuse by both parts, but it's less likely to backfire than the current one, which so far has always backfired in some way. You'd think the Templars would take the hint eventually, but no. If Cullen had been in charge, the situation in Kirkwall may have been different, putting Meredith in charge was doomed from the start.
The rite of tranquility is monstrous, not much more to say on that one, it's a fate far, far worse than death and I don't see how the Templars can justify using it at all. Any decent human being would simply kill them instead.