After recently purchasing and finishing DA2, I decided to go back and play through Origins again, it's a little bit fresher for me now after a long break. I think on balance I enjoyed Origins more but there are alot of things that I liked better about DA2, the combat has to be the biggest improvement though. Playing the first again the combat really feels very clunky, the combat in DA2 is smooth and slick and the characters seem much more responsive. I'm sure this is personal preference, I'd bargain some people like the old school feel of Origins but for me, leaping in and out of combat and blinking behind enemies for a backstab was good fun.
I have mixed feelings about the speech and dialogue in each, I think Origins is written better from a dialogue perspective but having played 2, I do miss my characters voice acting, though I never even noticed the lack of voicing the first time I played origins

. I think I've just become spoiled by playing too many recent (fully voiced) RPG's, ME2 and DA2 in particular. One area that Origins far surpasses DA2 though is the character design, In origins I found myself getting really attached to the characters, even those I hadn't known that long tugged on the heart strings a little. (I'm looking at you Human noble origin!) As crunch time arrived in DA2 and the final few scenes played out, I realised I really didn't give much of a [censored] about the majority of my party, the only guy who I had any fondness for was Varric. Still, was a pretty good game, just working my way through DA2 as a tanking warrior, mainly so I don't have to have Aveline in my party, bloody stick in the mud...