Not the only good thing they did, there are a few things that I think DA2 did better.
The "R" key for looting and other general actions. Much better than having to click on bodies, chests etc... A few taps of the R key whilst running around and you can sweep up all the loot in an area, absolutely hassle free. The attribute and levelling system I liked much more as well, The skill trees are a much better way of structuring what you can buy and when you can buy it. The fact that a class only uses a few attributes is something else I preferred. Knowing I have STR and CON to prioritise as a warrior, DEX and CUN as a rogue etc... This simplification from the first was welcome to me, although many fans of more complex RP's may disagree. For example in the first, under the description for Strength there's just a vague line tagged on the end saying something like "This is almost as useful to rogues as it is warriors", which left me a little confused about what I should be picking first. I definitely preferred the concise and simple descriptions they added for DA2. The way that companions stick to the same outfit was something I appreciated as well, in origins I've just arrived in Redcliffe and we look like we've done a job on the charity shop.
Sequels rarely combine the best from the first and then add further refinement, instead they take 5 steps forward and then 10 back, seems like the same thing has happened here to an extent.
Oh, my friend, you didn't know what can of worm you have opened here.
"R" is not default key for interaction, "E" is. Then there is "A"&"D" for rotating the camera instead of side movement. I know all can be change with key bindings, but clearly Bioware is not aware of the age old "conventions" of keyboard bindings. Then the interaction button is the same one as the attack "closest" button, which is pretty stupid when you try to disengage a trap while ambushed in a room full of traps.
And the auto attacking "closest" enemy, that is a great feature. It doesn't target the one which is closest in displacement, but rather the one first enter your character's detection; not to mention it wouldn't get refresh until that initial target is dead.
Attribute is basic at best, like the others have said blood mage can't shine simply because of the Will requirement for equipment of their class. Focus on Dex and Cunning also make Rogue ridiculously powerful with their critical damage at least double if not more than other class can do in their best days. I mean I can have such a good defense I "blocked" 8 out 10 fireballs from the High Dragon with my trusty dagger come with the bow.
Skill tree is completely random. Basic skills' improvements are available about the same time as advance skills, and most of the time you have to pick up the advance skill before you can improve the basic skills. Some skill trees also have a short route to a good bunch of useful skills where as some (Defender and Specialist are the best) require very heavy investments to be worth while.
Companion not be able to wear a helm at all really annoys me, since Hawke have half a brain to put it down during a conversation, why can't they? I mean a simple full suite for companions are fairly nice touch, but why can't we change their looks as well? I mean as the story go there are a lot of places which Avelin shouldn't be in her uniform, or Merrid's pristine white dress just isn't appropriate.
If anything, DA2 is half a step forward and at least 20 step back