Ha! I love it! "Im done with BW!" "They no longer make good games!" "Oh but Ill still buy ME3" ha!. Give it a couple years and you guys will be clamoring for DA3. Hell, they got the same backlash when ME2 came out and look at everyone now. Flash some pretty graphics and the promise of "your choices in the last game matter in this one we promise" and people will soak it up.
Yeah, do me a favor, don't speak for everyone and make sweeping non-statements. People have their individual opinions, and frankly the backlash on ME2 was not near as much as it seems to be on DA2, in my opinion. I like both Mass Effect games. I don't know, ME2, being a modern science fiction-y game, and the first one being more action oriented, even tho it was still an RPG, the shift to ME2 did not seem as jarring. I'll buy ME3.
On topic...
I still have to finish DA2. I probably will. But just remember how engrossing DAO was, how I rolled right into back to back play-throughs. How much I enjoyed, even on a replay, the characters. I'd get home at night, do whatever I needed to do and jump on the game for several hours until I had to go to bed. I was interested in what the modding community wanted. With the sequel, I got a fantasy-flavored ME2. What suited the world of Mass Effect, in terms of gameplay, combat type things I guess I just find... jarring. The first game had that depth, the pace of the storytelling and dialogue depth allowed you to get into the story. I made decisions in the game after thinking about it. In DA2, they way they have designed it, it makes you speed through things - I just wing a decision because I don't really care about Hawke, my party members aren't "game people" I am interested in, so if they leave, they leave. You don't get into the story, you get through it.

I have none of that keen interest for this game. It's just... a game - I'll finish it, because I was/am interested in the world of Ferelden, I am curious enough to see what they are trying to set up for a sequel. But for me it's an action RPG, with more emphasis on Action than RPG. I wouldn't mind that in a game, but I was hoping that Bioware would continue in their stated belief that the Dragon Age IP would be spiritual successor to Baldurs Gate. They abandoned that here.
I don't hate Bioware, I am disappointed in them. I don't blame EA, that's an easy out. At the end of the day, Bioware is not a wimpy small studio that needed money. If they had truly wanted to make a game a certain way, surely there were people there with the balls to stick up for what they believed in. They may have had to compromise on some things, perhaps, but they didn't need to compromise on everything. I seriously feel bad for the devs and writers and such in the trenches on the DA team. I bet plenty of them were heartsick over what they turned out, PR couched interviews by the higher ups to the contrary.