ME and Liara. Although EABioware used the "asari aren't female" to try to get out of that.
Eh, I wouldn't exactly say that's a case of her being gay if Shep's female. Things like gender identity and sixuality are alien concepts to the Asari, because they've never had to deal with any form of sixual dimorphism before encountering other races, and it's most likely something they never really take into account when seeking out a partner. Liara, and the Asari as a whole, seem more Pansixual than anything.
It blended faster paced more aciton oriented combat with proper roleplaying, that is, conversation and character development, while cutting down on arbitrary things that really are just busywork to deal with. it also made the interface much more streamlined and convenient to deal with. Basically it took the classic RPG formula and trimmed off the fat, getting to the good parts. Was it perfect? No, but it was a step in the right direction, as was ME2.
I asked what DA2 did that was new for the genre. None of that is new. Games like ME, FO3, TES, and Jade Empire have had more action-oriented combat. The conversation system is a copy-paste job of ME's. Character development is just a slightly tweaked version of DAO's, which itself was never anything new. And...interface? Its quality (which I personally hated) notwithstanding, that is not something remotely innovative to RPGs, or to ever use a selling point. There was nothing remotely revolutionary, innovative, or ambitious about DA2. All it did was borrow from DAO, ME, and JE. And Laidlaw says he doesn't want RPGs to stagnate?
Everything DA2 did has been done by other companies, and by Bioware itself. What gall!