Depends on the person.
From NWN on, a Bioware pc game was an automatic order for me. I wasn't happy when EA bought them out, and wasn't terribly surprised when one of the first announcements was "ME is no longer 360 exclusive, its coming to pc." I pre-ordered it, since it was made before EA got involved. Then the announcement about the "EA phone home every 5 to 10 days or your legally purchased game shuts down" drm, and I canceled my pre-order. I didn't buy the game until much, much later, it was on holiday sale on steam, without the drm. I did pre-order DA:O, due to the fact that the game was made for pc and, for all intents and purposes, finished long before EA got involved. Not too much they could do to screw it up, and due to the backlash they got from the "EA phone home" drm, that was changed. Of course, it was held back for 6 months while they finished the console versions, but they couldn't mess up the game. I didn't pre-order Awakening, and wasn't terribly happy with it. They had started mucking around with the dialogue, and had a much smaller word budget, which led to the random item conversation triggers and not talking to your party in "camp". After the information they released about what they changed in DA2, I decided to not buy the game. I played it; my brother bought it. He lost interest in it and is very unlikely to buy DA3 [he doesn't play pc games, or many games at all, actually, so he didn't get Origins]. If they continue what they've done with DA2 into 3, I won't be getting it. About the only reason I will consider ME3 is to finish Shepard's story; but even that is iffy considering the changes between part1 and 2.
I don't recall a backlash like this; outrage from people who bought a 360 to play ME when it was a 360 exclusive after the "coming to pc announcement", people upset with the "let's wear spandex or straps in a hostile environment" can't change your companion's armor, the retcon to attempt to explain why there is an "ammo" type function now that was really sloppily done, and the mining game, but nothing like this.
People were pissed when Bioware released ME2 for PS3 though, that was mainly becuase they had all the free content, aswell as the ability to quickly make a new save, didnt like a chocie in ME1 I would have to replay it all.
And I dont care what people say aboutthe next thing but ME3 will never have deep concequences, purely becuase they want it as astandalone game, yet again catering to those who didnt play it, and punishing the fans who support them.
IMO its funny becuase ME to ME2 was a greater change than DA to DA2, but most people are pissed becuase this was a throwback to older rpgs, then BW went and changed it.
I think BW will [censored] up a few years down the line, lots of people will buy ME3 just to finish sheps story, they want a tps they will buy one that does it better (gears), so after ME3 they already loose fans, I expect their money sink mmo to fail against WoW like many others, and then your left with ME spinnofs and dragon aga, which is a franchise already divided, and Biowares actions on the forums and attitude towards the fans is justmaking more people leave. And they are still under EA, which means it will only get worse.
Brent Knowles had the right idea to get of the sinking ship.
On the brightside if BW went under I think they could reassemble some of the devs ad make a new EA free company, maybe then games will be good, but BW is dying imo, and wont last much longer before EA kills it.