No comment about the unbalanced companion and skills at all?
Can you elaborate?
So far in my experience, the game feels a bit more balanced than DAO.
Aside from the fact that Nightmare mode on DAO was simply too easy because you could spam healing potions, there are other areas where DA2 feels more balanced, for example, each of the DA2 companions has some drawbacks that makes party build decisions more difficult.
Bethany has healing, but no Revive and no access to the Primal CCC offensive spells.
Merril is a great offensive mage (with blood magic ability as well), but she has no healing spells.
Anders has both healing, revive and access to all the Primal and Elemental CCC offensive spells, but he has no blood magic.
Fenris is an excellent tank, but he takes more damage than a S&S character.
Aveline takes less damage but creates less STAGGERED enemies without the Sunder skill from the 2H tree.
Isabela has no ranged attack.
Varric has no "assassinate" or melee attacks.
Carver is annoying enough that you don't want to take him anywhere - also he takes more damage because he cannot wear a shield.
Another area that feels more balanced is attribute allocation. In order to wear the best armor, I have to put points into 2 attributes, which makes the decision more difficult. Otherwise, I would focus more on the attributes resulting in the highest dps, or constitution for blood mages, for example. In DAO, the decision was easy - I would have my mages max out Magic and completely ignore all other stats, because I could spam cheap lyrium and health potions.
In DAO, when playing as a Mage it was pretty easy to reach god-like nuke powers with your own spell combos and devastating AoE attacks. If you look at your end game "total damage" stats you will find mage damage orders of magnitude higher than the damage stats for any rogues or warriors. In DA2, Rogues can deliver insanely high crit damage (200k plus), but only when carefully set up with exactly the right cross class combos and debuffs. They are certainly not as overpowered as mages in DAO.
In my subjective, personal opinion, playing as a Rogue and 2H warrior in DA2 is just as fun as playing a mage.
Also the huge importance of cross class combos means that you will miss out if don't have at least one of each class in your party and develop the builds to favor CCCs. Since combat is more difficult with more lengthy potion and spell cooldowns, I find myself actively controling each character, pausing and micromanaging every single action, while in DAO, occasionally I would use tactics. So I'm enjoying playing all of the character classes simultaneously.