Well me and many others care. Well then, does any know when the Anime or web series will be released?
Go to the Bioware forums mayhap? XD Goto the source instead of getting it second hand?
So I was wondering what you guys think of it? Are any of the things that make DA1 and DA2 different drastically tragically awful, or is just like comparing
Micheal Bay 'spolion effects everywhere, unbalanced skill tree's, ridiculous "fodder" waves attacks until you beat a "boss" character. Cross class equipment made totally useless, If hawke isn't a rogue for example ALL BOWS in the game are useless along with all Armor items of cross class. Skills are extremely limiting, AKA Dual wield is only for rogues, and you can only use daggers. You don't have weapon slot swapping anymore, so unless you really like going into you inventory and swapping out stuff manually Trying to use say a ranged weapon and a melee weapon is annoying. Silly and ridiculous attack animation they seem to try for the "kung fu on wires" B movie style of fighting. where your characters are leaping like 30 feet in the air and doing all likes of flips rolls and behind the back attacks. Twin fangs always made me lol, because you first turn your back to the enemy, then bend over slightly and ram your butt into there waist and then ram home the dual daggers reversed into them. Nothing like turning your back and generally making yourself blind and defenseless to anything they might be doing to launch your "super awesome cool" attack! XD
Some specialization are missing, such as Arcane warrior, and shapeshifter. Cross class combos while I guess look good on paper, don't really seem to be very effective unless you memorize what powers do what or like to pause and read what does what to what all the time. It also replaced the much cooler spell combos. Lots of spells are much less effective then they where in DA:O. Convo wheel is just as [censored], and limiting as it was in ME. You have no idea what your going to say for the most part. Your limited into playing a human, story was lol rific at several points.
They kept and even made more ridiculous giant anime style weapons. I was cringing at some points because some of my two hander guys had weapons like cloud from FF basiclly. Blades like as thick as your torso and 3 times your height. Was really bad with 2h hammers. I did like the characters, and some parts of the story however it seeed to drag on over much, for instance in game they say 10 years pass however the plot seems like it could have finished out in like one. DA:O had more stuff going on and it only lasted a year. DA:O events are barely mentioned making imports pointless aside from a few comments and a extra side quest or so. Game is buggy, a few quests beign broken and not starting correctly or glitching and being uncompleted forever.
I'd rate it like maybe a 6. while DA:O got 8/9