You seem to be putting a lot of faith in the opinion of one person. I, on the other hand, enjoyed DA2 quite a lot and don't think it's mediocre nor adequate, I think it's properly a good game. It's all a matter of taste, like I always say. :shrug:
Anyway, what the hell is 0_o
The story has been "ok" or "horrible" from the four people that I've asked about it so I don't put faith in just one person's opinion.
I'm not gonna go over and ask on the Bioware boards either since I'm sure newfans or simplydon'tgiveacrap fans will state it's awesome.
So I ask those I can ask around here and see what their views on the game is.
I hate just about every gameplay change that I've heard of and seen on gameplay videos and heard people comment on.
So the only saving point would be the story for me. (I'm an Origins elitist I guess.

And I'm not particularly interested in buying a new game for a crapload of money (live on welfare) if the story isn't amazing.
Since the people I have heard comment on the story says it's okay or good at best then my choice is to not buy the game.
Me buying the game has been set a couple of weeks ago as "no".
I just want more information on the game anyway.
So it's not like this guy completely changed my view on it or did the final blow towards no.
Still, I'm interested in people's views on the story mostly.
Maybe the first 4 I heard say it wasn't amazing just didn't think it was amazing to them.
Maybe I'll get 11 people that say the story is amazing.
At that point I might reconsider it. (I'll still only buy it if it's on sale and used.... And I need a coupon too.)
But I don't wanna spoil the story either yknow, so I don't want to look it up on the internet.
That's why I feel I have to rely on player opinions.
Still, on a scale of 1 to 10 the best it's gotten was 6.
Unless I get an even amount of people that rate it 9, 10 or 11 I ain't going to bother.
I'm very picky with games.