Has anyone else here played Dragon Age, I think it completely copies the story of Alessia, tell me what you think.
" Eons ago, there were a group of Elven Magi/Order (Ayleid) that controlled everything and used perverted magic and made slaves of men. They used these slaves for entrainment/ perverse things. Until a slave woman named Andraste (Alessia) led a slave revolt with the aid of the Maker (Akatosh) and became divine/ one with the Maker in her death. She basically sets up the first human empire and religion and starts the worship of the Maker (Aedra/Akatosh).
The only divergence seems to be that she was killed in the process of bringing down the Magi Order, and did not survive to live as Empress.
Right first in DAO it was Elves then one day Men appeared, no one ruled anyone, but then elves isolated themselves because when in close proximity to men, they lost thier immortality. Men didnt like this, and then worshiped the old gods, who gave them blood magic, the tivinter imperium (first empire iirc) these guys then enslave the elves, then Andraste who was a barbarian was noticed by the Maker, so she started up the chant, then she led a rebelion with the elves and was betrayed by her husband, then died, she didnt become one/divine she just went to thier version of heaven/paradise and was a martyr. Similar yes, rip off no. Basically I could say TES ripped of Tolkien just leave out the differences.
And Tolkien was heavily inspired by early Anglo-Saxon literature and Norse Sagas, as well as Catholic theology.
Sorry but I see nothing catholic influenced in TloTR or the hobbit.
Bethesda should sue lol. I could tell from the second I saw that first post that TES was ripped off.
You really should play more dragon age then, its not ripping off and if you want to do what the OP did, then TLoTR should sue bethesda, because everything is the same if dumbed down enough.
That is true. Diss the christians or [insertreligionhere] who are intolerant, crazy, stupid, narroweyed and fanatic. But Jesus was a good guy who was trying to teach people good stuff. Nothing wrong with him.
Ghandi. I agree with him.