Created by powerofthree/cruelflames
V1.0 - Intial Release
This mod aims to add several classic spells from the world of Dragon Age to Skyrim. As of v1.0, Glyph of Repulsion has been added. More spells will soon follow.
1. Glyph of Repulsion - this mystical glyph will repel most enemies that cross it's bounds for a duration of 30 seconds.
You can find this spell in a unlocked chest marked "Mysterious Items" in Farengar's room, Dragonsreach.
Technical Notes
This mod contains all new textures and meshes, no assets were taken from the Dragon Age games. I merely used the original textures as reference.
Glyph of Repulsion
1. Due to technical and balance issues, only one Glyph of Repulsion may be cast at any time.
2. Your companions, giants and non hostile NPCs are immune to it's effects but the intial explosion will affect them as well. I'm trying to find a way around this, it should be fixed in a later update.
3. Sometimes the spawned decal will be invisible, this depends on what sort of texture it was placed upon. The spell should still work however.
Place this after any other spell mods or before any combat overhaul mods in your load order.
Installing using Nexus Mod Manager/ModOrganizer - Highly recommended. Just click the "Download with Manager" button and it will install.
Manually installing - Unzip the contents of this folder into your Skyrim/Data Folder
Uninstalling using Nexus Mod Manager/ModOrganizer- Uncheck DragonAgeSpells.esp and uncheck the mod.
Manually uninstalling - Delete the files/folders associated with this mod
Future Plans
Add more spells, such as Glyph of Paralysis, Walking Bomb, Sleep and so on.
A short lore friendly side quest
This might conflict with any other mod that places stuff in the exact same position as my chest in Farengar's room. If you notice any conflicts, please let me know and I'll try to fix ASAP
If you want to use any of the files in this mod, please let me know in a PM.
Please do NOT upload this mod to Steam Workshop under any circumstances.
Credit goes to Bioware for the spells and Bethesda for giving us the freedom to mod.