I actually tend to disagree with the A.I of the dragons. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty good most of the times, even great, but, and this is a big but, the game itself makes the dragon's kneel to it.
Many of the dragons are programmed to have certain crash zones, for example, no matter how much you lead the dragon from Shear Point away from it's resting spot, it will always crash in the same area (often bugging up), or just simply land if there is no such place to land. Courtesy of the game trying to make the dragons non-glitchy, by adding specific points where they can actually crash. This is why only some areas spawn dragons.
Secondly, If you're being fair to the dragons, you are having a blast, and I generally tend to be as fair as i can. But hiding behind rocks/very far away, they sometimes just stand there looking dumbfounded. Most of the times they seek you out, sometimes i even have dragons peering behind a rock to breathe fire/ice at me, which is VERY cool. However, when the terrain doesn't permit them because they may glitch or bug up somehow, they just stand there like idiots.
Third, and this is by far probably the worst mistake. Dragons land before half of their hp. Now i know what you're thinking, melee characters are not viable etc. etc. Guess what, i don't care. Get a bow and arrow and shoot. Get magic and shoot. get
.If i was a dragon i would NEVER give up the advantage of open air and breathing down on you, to land and be smacked around silly with a two-handed hammer. I loved it when i first saw the elder dragon attack Solitude (Wohoo an interior cell dragon battle!) but then it landed in between 15 guards and got killed in about 15 seconds. Now you can argue that they are prideful and whatnot, but pride != stupidity. I want to see a dragon being EVIL, shouting at my character until it can't do anything anymore.
Now if we get the creation kit on our hands, and i get some free time, I'm gonna check the script the dragons have. If their script is how i think it is, it shouldn't be too hard to make them smarter and tougher. Maybe possibly adding more shouts to the dragons (they did invent them after all, why should they only have fire breath and frost breath sans Alduin).
Now don't get me wrong, i still think it's great AI, i just think that the dragons themselves don't know how to use what they have to their own advantage.