Dragon Aspect bug?

Post » Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:19 am

I just got to the point in the Dragonborn addon where I found the first word of Dragon Aspect. Yet for some reason I picked up all three words of the shout at the same time, which annoys me because I was looking forward to finding all the words myself. I used console commands to remove the shout, then add only the first word, but for some reason, adding the first word gave me all three words again.

I was thinking it might be a mod doing it, given that when I type "help "Dragon Aspect"" into the console, I get two results in the shout category, but they're both in the same spot in my load order, so I guess not. Has anyone else had this bug, or do you know how to fix it?

EDIT: Now apparently it's all of the Dragonborn shouts, not just Dragon Aspect. I picked up the Bend Will word from the northern wall and it gave me all three words. This is starting to really irritate me. In addition, the Serpentine Dragon I fought at the word wall apparently gave its textures an off day. The thing had no face, teeth, spines or any discernible features, and it was completely texture-less.

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