The cool down for Dragon Aspect should be 2 mins (2mins is my suggestion, dunno know about you guys) instead of 1 day (Dragon Aspect lasts for 4 mins). Like, it's really helpful during boss battles or mobs of enemies, reusing that shout again and again in a battle until the enemy or boss is dead. It can increase our survive rate (In Master or Legendary mode lol). That shout is like, the only most useful shout throughout all the shouts :3 lol. I would ALWAYS use the shout for no reason (I just like how it's soo bad-ass looking) then later in a hard-ass battle, I activate Dragon Aspect...BOOM, "Powers can only be used once a day." I can't wait in the battle because you cant (lol), and I always forget to wait a day before going adventurer mode. :3
You guys think the cool down for Dragon Aspect should be lowered?