I took a look at this site: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2011/09/5-more-things-ive-learned-about-skyrim-murder-and-encumberance/ and when I kept reading I stumbled across this: "This is a game that lets you kill dragons, though, and Howard warned me that dragon bones are heavy."
Wait... What...?
How are dragons even supposed to fly when they are heavy?
Dragon bones are frequently described as hollow, like birds, so they are actually able to fly. Now these people who actually study these mythological creatures are somewhat convinced they actually exist so they try to image the most realistic possibility how they could live, fly, breathe fire etc etc..
TES V: Skyrim, however, is a fantasy game and plays off in a fantasy world. And in this world magic exists. So it could be that the dragon sort of lift themselves up or make them lighter with magic.
What r ur thots on this?,.??" :spotted owl:
Oh my god, an inherently magical species in a fantasy world not functioning the way they would need to in the real world? How unusual! next you'll be telling me there's a race of cat-men who look different in advlthood depoending on the moon phases at the time of their bir... oh wait. Uh, next you'll be telling me that a race of elves wiped itself out becoming the skin of an artificial god robo... um. Next you'll be saying that the world has normal tidal and gravitational effects despite two moons and the sun and stars being holes to another dimentio... Uh, well, maybe you ought to just rething the whole premise of this post, eh?