To muddy the waters further, there is another explanation for what a Dragon Break is, which is that it isn't: at least claims it was "invented in the late 3rd era, based on a scholarly error, fueled by obsession with eschatology and Numidiumism, and perpetuated by scholarly inertia."
True, this only accounts for one break, but it would imply that the others be viewed differently. If a break is the ideological construct of 'Lorkhan cults', who stands opposed, and why? I recall encountering this text in-game, but know nothing of 'Fal Droon'.
True, this only accounts for one break, but it would imply that the others be viewed differently. If a break is the ideological construct of 'Lorkhan cults', who stands opposed, and why? I recall encountering this text in-game, but know nothing of 'Fal Droon'.
The Dragon Break Reexamined is the worst argument against temporal paradoxes ever, read the librarian comment at the beginning.