So I'm walking around in skyrim/morrowwind and out of nowhere I hear a sound a roar/kreeee and this dragon/cliff racer appears and attacks me. It's not like it's a hard kill but if I don't feel like fighting it and it is faster then me so it follows me around. Since it doesn't go away, I smack it a few times and it goes down. I go a few more steps and there is another one of those weak pathetic dragon/cliffracers wash rinse repeat and sometimes I'm surprised I get anywhere with another dragon/cliff racer popping out of the sky every few steps to harass my character.
anyone else ever get that vibe while walking around and exploring skyrim?
I'm just glad that dragons don't give me a disease that kills my ability to carry anything when they touch me.
Maybe if dragons were "bosses" like Todd was talking about it would be a bigger issue. As it is now I run into them every couple steps and just put a little time into dealing with them and it's over since I know the drill and have a plan.