» Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:02 pm
I don't think it would make sense for people to worship the dragons, unless it's to be understood in a more general animic cult of animals. Which I never heard about in the past Elder Scrolls games, by the way.
What could make sense, in my opinion, is some cult of the dragon-god Alduin. Indeed, from what I read so far, Alduin is part of the Nord pantheon. It would be interesting, for example, to see the tension that great destruction caused by dragon in the name of Alduin would raise in such cults, perhaps leading to great internal conflicts within Alduin worshipping communities.
One thing you don't mention in your poll description, and which is in my opinion a matter of the greatest interest, is the nature of dragon cults in the sense of the following questions : what do the dragon believe in? What do they find worth fighting and struggling for? I mean, Alduin has been said to be a dragon-god. But don't dragon believe in other entities? Do they all interpret Alduin's will in the same way? Are there conflicts between dragon clans and religions?
Dragons share a common language, both spoken and written, and no languages exist without the tales, stories and legends they are the vehicles for. This means there must exist dragonic cultures, hopefully with a great degree of refinement. Since in many cultrures, there does exist underlying religious facts, I think the question of dragon cults is worth being addressed and would provide, if it's addressed, more depth to the game.