Dragon Mounts?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:04 pm

BGS's interest in http://bethblog.com/index.php/2007/07/31/interview-with-akatosh-mount-mod-creator-saiden-storm/ really has me wondering.

They must have balance sorted out if you can call one to help you fight. It doesn't seem like too large a stretch to have them as mounts.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:04 pm

No. Never.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:20 pm

Like other members once said: "U can ried liek... DRAGUNZ?!" and "What about sharks riding dragons?"

That's transport in style. Also ridiculously overpowered. Even if it's lore friendly, I have my doubts about it. I won't be horrified if it'll be the case in the game though. It's just something I struggle with to find it completely acceptable.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:25 pm

No, just plain no :mellow:
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:08 pm

No, there is no dragon mounts - Knock it out of your systems.

I mean... H-O-N-E-S-T-L-Y..

Dragon Mounts?
A descendant of the Septim Dynasty?

I am really sorry, but these things sounds more like someone's private Dungeons and Dragons wetdream... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

This is not, and I repeat, not Dragon Age, Fallout, Fable or anything remotely close. The Elder Scrolls is a unique series, so unique that it takes a step away from other Bethesda games.

This... was my honest reaction...

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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:52 pm

If the main quest is fairly unscaled so that you have to "play the game for a good while to get there" rather than "main quest runthrough at level 1-5", I wouldn't mind it as the reward for completing the main quest. If unscaled, you may at this point be fairly fed up with the ludicrous amounts (every 100 meters or so) of highway bandits you pretty much have to fight because you're not a mage and your comrades have no concept of avoidance.

It may for BGS be a more attractive solution than levitation, which puts a constraint on how they make their dungeons. I'm just guessing that a frigging dragon won't follow you into the stores. :D That being said, I'm not really a fan of flying in these games, and would probably avoid using it during normal playing. But try it? Oh yes! :P
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:41 pm

Well sure we can ride dragons! Ever heard of the Wyrm of Akavir? "In ancient times, there lived a hero named Lyrisius. He fought agains the Akaviri slavetraders and single-handedly slew hundreds. Despite his valor, Lyrisius' army was routed and scattered to the four winds. Lyrisius fled into the moors to escape the Akaviri chariots.

Far from the lands of men, Lyrisius entered the blasted lands. At the heart of this forsaken landscape, he met the wyrm. The great scaly beast mocked the mighty blows of Lyrisius' enchanted spear. It melted the shield Fearstruck, gift of the Daedra Boethiah, with a single blast of its fiery breath. Lyrisius, seeing that he could not defeat the creature by force of arms, surrendered.

The wyrm intended to devour Lyrisius when the hero offered to be its slave and manservant. Ever prideful, the wyrm agreed. Seeing that the wyrm was vulnerable to conceit, Lyrisius spoke, "Oh great wyrm. For my first service, I beg that you allow me to polish your one tarnished scale."

Indeed, centered between the great wings of the creature was a dull scale, clearly out of reach of its long neck. Its vanity was such that it immediately lowered one wing for Lyrisius to climb upon.

Once astride the great lizard, Lyrisius slid his dagger underneath the scale and into the tender flesh of the beast. Though it spun and twisted in all directions, the wyrm could not get at the hero. Finally it took to the air. Lyrisius clung to the neck with all his strength as the wyrm banked, rolled, and dove.

Seeing that Lyrisius could not be shaken free, the wyrm demanded that he remove the stinging blade. Lyrisius answered, "Fly straight on until you see a great army. Destroy that army and I will remove my blade."

With a great roar, the scaled creature set off. The Akavari army had no chance against the fire-breathing beast. They have never plagued Tamriel since.

"I have done as you bid. Now sheath your stinger," roared the wyrm.

Knowing that he would be devoured or worse, Lyrisius pulled the blade and then leapt from the back of the flying wyrm. Indeed, the foul monster had intended to slay the hero. The wyrm pursued the plummeting Lyrisius. Boethiah appeared beside the falling hero. Praising him for ultimately destroying the army of Akavir, she turned him into a raven. Lyrisius quickly lost the wyrm in the clouds.

Legend has it that the wyrm still lives, though this happened in the first era long, long ago. The dragon nurses a grudge against Lyrisius and all of his kind. It has vowed never again to trust two legged bearers of weapons.

d." -The Story of Lyrisius. Thanks Uesp... so dragons are rideable... and stupid... and deadly...
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:21 am

I wouldn't label it a certainty, or anything, but the ability to call a dragon mount certainly seems like it could happen, which I wouldn't have said before all the Game Informer news. It's not a huge leap to go from "call a dragon to fight for you" to "call a dragon to serve as your mount".

If it does appear, I hope it shows up as one of the last Thu'um shouts you obtain. You ought to feel like you've earned something like that.

That's pretty much how I see it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:07 pm

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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:07 pm

And another important detail: I would enjoy the abiliy to summon a rideable dragon! *your flying towards the great Alduin... just before you reach him the spell runs out and you fall to your death...* I would actually enjoy this...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:03 pm

No, there is no dragon mounts - Knock it out of your systems.

I mean... H-O-N-E-S-T-L-Y..

Dragon Mounts?
A descendant of the Septim Dynasty?

I am really sorry, but these things sounds more like someone's private Dungeons and Dragons wetdream... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

This is not, and I repeat, not Dragon Age, Fallout, Fable or anything remotely close. The Elder Scrolls is a unique series, so unique that it takes a step away from other Bethesda games.

This... was my honest reaction...


How do you know there is no dragon mounts?
And why should we get it out of our systems?
It's possible ,that we maybe able mount dragons.
Would it stop you buying the game if we could?
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:04 pm

This isn't meant to be a Michael Bay movie, filled with explosions and over-the-top dragon mounts!
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:06 pm

Yes, they're the mysterious alternative solution to fast travel, lol! (Just kidding! =P )

I would like to ride on one, if possible lore-wise. If we can kill and summon, surely we can tame. I mean, haven't we done things more... fantastic than that? (Didn't we kill godly enemies and summon high-level being before or am I misunderstanding?)
I do not know of the lore, if dragons are more sentient or whatever. They may be highly majestic beings that may not want a mere mortal sitting on them for fear of losing their dignity, lol =)

Either way, mounts or no mounts, I don't mind. =)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:41 am

You know, those of us who don't want dragon mounts, Don't want them, because we DONT WANT THE DEVELOPERS TO WASTE THEIR TIME WITH A HIGHLY SITUATIONAL AND DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT/BALANCE FEATURE that most of the community likely won't want to use. I would rather they develop the parts of the game people like, such as terrain, combat, and storyline, that waste that time creating broken dragon mounts. Can we PLEASE have a developer answer this question with a final "NO" so we can get on with things.

I'm tired of these threads popping up every other day.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:21 pm

You know, those of us who don't want dragon mounts, Don't want them, because we DONT WANT THE DEVELOPERS TO WASTE THEIR TIME WITH A HIGHLY SITUATIONAL AND DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT/BALANCE FEATURE that most of the community likely won't want to use. I would rather they develop the parts of the game people like, such as terrain, combat, and storyline, that waste that time creating broken dragon mounts. Can we PLEASE have a developer answer this question with a final "NO" so we can get on with things.

I'm tired of these threads popping up every other day.

My words to thy lips.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:33 pm

Wow, a lot of hatred in this subject.

Well, I don't see why you couldn't ride a dragon, considering you can control them and there is proof in the lore that dragons are ridable.

When a Nord sees something bigger than it, he tries to kill it with an Axe. When a Nord sees something bigger than it that can fly, he'd try to sit on it and ride it like a horse. No one said that the Nords were a very intelligent people, and certainly my character, whatever race he be, will not be above taking a few risks :P
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aisha jamil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:31 pm

I was under the impression that dragons in the ES universe are extremely powerful, almost god like. So no, I don't want a dragon mount and I hope they are not in the game. I said this in another topic... I do not get the crazy fascination people have with dragons IE: Dragon mounts, dragon lore, being able to turn into a dragon, dragon companions, any of this stuff. However, if any of that is in the game then fine, Alot of people seem to like it. I probably won't use any of it, but W/E more content is good.

the dragons in Elder Scrolls were never inteded to be godly strong. If you read about them they were even killed by tscaesci who are snake people and run out of morrowind by cliff racers. They spoke and aided the emporor. You even beat one in redgaurd. a full grown one. They are strong as crap but not quite god-like. Alduin will be different however. Considering he is a god. In this game i actually think they might be more powerful then originally intended. Maybe not sure. Idk for sure just how strong they were supposed to be.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:46 pm

Can we PLEASE have a developer answer this question with a final "NO" so we can get on with things.

Todd's response to mounts has be really curious. Rather than a "No!" he left it wide open with (paraphrase) "We are not discussing mounts at this time". It kinda leads me to assume, they may be working on it, but are not sure if they can balance it well enough for release, or something like that.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:51 am

Like other members once said: "U can ried liek... DRAGUNZ?!" and "What about sharks riding dragons?"

That's transport in style. Also ridiculously overpowered. Even if it's lore friendly, I have my doubts about it. I won't be horrified if it'll be the case in the game though. It's just something I struggle with to find it completely acceptable.

How would it be overpowered,you'd be fighting other dragons....in the air.
And if we can mount them to fight whatever,what if we can get knocked off them,thats probably instant death right there,so i dont think it would be overpowered.
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anna ley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:31 am

Todd's response to mounts has be really curious. Rather than a "No!" he left it wide open with (paraphrase) "We are not discussing mounts at this time". It kinda leads me to assume, they may be working on it, but are not sure if they can balance it well enough for release, or something like that.

I think he meant NORMAL MOUNTS. Just because he didn't release an opinion, doesn't mean he's working on Dragon Mounts. At the moment, I'm fairly sure their trying to get horse combat to work. Note that the COULD NOT get horse combat to work well in Oblivion, and so left it out. Now Imagine how difficult making DRAGON MOUNTED combat would be. Don't give me any BS about Mods that let you ride dragons in oblivion. None of them worked very well, and you know it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:30 pm

Why would you not want to ride a dragon in the game... i trust bethesda with the game it wouldnt ruin it
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:52 pm

I think he meant NORMAL MOUNTS. Just because he didn't release an opinion, doesn't mean he's working on Dragon Mounts. At the moment, I'm fairly sure their trying to get horse combat to work. Note that the COULD NOT get horse combat to work well in Oblivion, and so left it out. Now Imagine how difficult making DRAGON MOUNTED combat would be. Don't give me any BS about Mods that let you ride dragons in oblivion. None of them worked very well, and you know it.

This isn't Oblivion. This game is running on an internally-developed, new engine with supposedly highly improved animations, and who said you needed dragon combat? Other than getting the dragon to let out some fire, there really doesn't need to be dragon combat. Using a melee weapon or a measely bow wouldn't be very effective while riding a dragon. I just want to fly. If they can properly animate dragons, already, then simply getting you on one's back wouldn't actually be all that much more trouble. The models and animations are already going to be in the game, and we know that.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:30 pm

You know, those of us who don't want dragon mounts, Don't want them, because we DONT WANT THE DEVELOPERS TO WASTE THEIR TIME WITH A HIGHLY SITUATIONAL AND DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT/BALANCE FEATURE that most of the community likely won't want to use. I would rather they develop the parts of the game people like, such as terrain, combat, and storyline, that waste that time creating broken dragon mounts. Can we PLEASE have a developer answer this question with a final "NO" so we can get on with things.

I'm tired of these threads popping up every other day.

As billy connolly would say........ "what aload of pisshh."
Modders did it on the old engine,in fact modders did alsorts of great stuff with animations etc.
Bethesda as a NEW engine now,and have worked a hell of alot on movement and animations.
And i will ask this again.....How many of you that don't want to mount dragons,want levitation back?
Because in my view both have the same purpose.
Thanks....i'm here all week :)

My uncle was a wierd guy.....he had artificial legs.....real feet.... :rofl:
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Floor Punch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:18 am

You should be able to mount, you are the dragonborn after all. You speak there language, I think it should be in.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:08 pm

You don't want the devs to waste there time on a feature you don't want. You can't just have the game tailored around your only needs, dragon mounts is a reasonable idea.
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