You know, those of us who don't want dragon mounts, Don't want them, because we DONT WANT THE DEVELOPERS TO WASTE THEIR TIME WITH A HIGHLY SITUATIONAL AND DIFFICULT TO IMPLEMENT/BALANCE FEATURE that most of the community likely won't want to use. I would rather they develop the parts of the game people like, such as terrain, combat, and storyline, that waste that time creating broken dragon mounts. Can we PLEASE have a developer answer this question with a final "NO" so we can get on with things.
I'm tired of these threads popping up every other day.
Yes, because God Forbid they'd take the time to make the point of getting one fit in with the story and make sense, have it actually work well and be something that makes Skyrim stand on it's own apart from many other rpgs out there.
Dragons are a staple of Fantasy, from books to movies and games.
In TES lore dragons can communicate with people, and in the past of TES lore they have helped in return for help. There have been accounts of dragons being ridden. It is not out of lore at all.
You honestly wouldn't like Skyrim to have something more different/unique then your usual rpg staples? You wouldn't enjoy soaring over the huge landscapes and cities on a majestic dragon on your way to the end battle? That screams something more epic then a lot of games ever do to me.