The merethic and early first era. The Nords as a proper race died with the Dragon cult. You can thank Hakon, Gormlaith, and Felldir for that... And I guess Miraak too, traitorous snake he is.
And Valdar.... Tahrodis nikriin!
Now that my quick history lesson is over... onto the build...
I see that you are on Xbox, so this limits the potential unfortunately. The closest you can get to proper Draconic apparel, is the outfit of treacherous Miraak[Dragonborn DLC] The cultist robes are also a possible alternative.
Ancient Nord armor is also an alternative. And my mask goes well with it. Though it is my recommendation that you leave me be. For assualting me is a crime. As an alternative, you can take Otar's mask. He is insane, does not answer my letters for help, and is no longer fit to rule. So feel free to kill him for his mask.
Dragonbone/scale armor is also a suitable alternative, albeit a blasphemous one. But it still honors whatever Dragon you slay at least....
The skills you want to focus on? Seeing as how your clothing options are limited, you may want to go the Battle-mage route. Having a healthy balance of arcane melee might. Conjuration/necromancy shall be your main power. As you bind the Daedra to Alduin's will, and the dead shall rise to Alduin's call by your command. You may also want to have a Dragon Priest dagger as your side-arm, enchanted for your preference. Ancient Nordic swords and axes for serious battle. Be sure to choose an element you wish to focus on. All are acceptable. I personally found great power in shock magic. Though I hear ol' Rahgot was quite the pyromancer. Vokun was proficient in frost magic, which is unsurprising considering his cold, cold heart...
Alteration and illusions are also a plus if you can get a good grasp on them and want to go the more mage route. Or you can go with block and two-handed if you going for a more warrior route, with conjuration as support and destruction for range. Most important? Your tongue. All Priests of Alduin are well-versed in the tongue. Drem Yol Lok. Su'um ahrk morah. Il hin lovaas tinvaak ko Alduin's stahdim sahkren. On Xbox, you can acquire infinite cooldowns by utilizing the "fortifiy restoration glitch." A search through "youtube" should explain it if you do not know it. Others may explain it better than I can. I have no use for it personally, so I lack the details. But I do know that it is possible on consoles.