all you have to do is wait for a certain Dragon priest poster to see this thread and you will all the info you need.
IMO, a battlemage/spellsword using armor that corresponds to mask you want to use could be a good start. Also, destruction and conjuration are good spell classes to use. Nord or Breton are a good choice for Race.
because all of the original dragon priests WERE nords. Also, not all nords dislike magic.
umm. Dragon ruled over Skyrim only (or at least mostly) and nords were basically their only "slave" race, the other races really never were in skyrim at all.
Only SOME, recent nords dislike magic, that is a stereotype. That is like saying all Altmers are mages or all Bosmers are rangers. Also, you DID ask......
Wait....You do not want to play the build simply because of such an (honestly common sense lore) thing? really? You HATE the nords THAT much?
You CAN play as another race, just all the original Dragon priests were almost definitely Nords so it fits the builds basis better.
Not all Nords dislike magic. Generalizations are a dangerous thing to rely on. Good ol' Wuunferth and Tolfdir come to mind. So I could see a Nordic Dragonpriest working out, though Redguards on the other hand actually do have a cultural stigma toward magic, particularly in the way of illusion due to the fact that they don't like the idea of messing around in people's minds or other people messing around in their own. Actually, some interesting things to remember are that Nords once relied on their own powerful magic(Thu'um) at one point. Another interesting thing to remember is Saarthal an all the quests revolving around that, like with the Gauldur amulet fragments.
Conjuration, destruction, and the armor type of your preferred mask are definite. I say the armor type of mask, because it makes sense that the mask is armored the same way the Dragon priests armor was in life and as it is armor at all, it makes sense they wore some kind of armor instead of robes. Possibly some kind of weapon, maybe a one-handed sword?
Perhaps you should play the race as it should? Rather than what the Troglodytes have become? Nords were a race of mystical humans. Philosopher-warriors who could rip your arms off as easily as contemplate the infinite realms of inpossibilities. Do not mistake modern degenerative Nord culture as the foundation of... Nord culture. The Nords you see today, as a whole, are not even remotely representative of the Nords that onced graced this holy land. The only thing they share in common is physicality. Yet even that is deteriorating...
Did you know, that the Nords of my time shunned not, the clever craft? For crafty we were. The Priests of Old[me included] formed a magistrate that would put the Altmer to shame. I practically revolutionized necromancy, 1 thousand years before Mannimarco was even conceived of. I practiced blood magic, before Vampires even existed.
Dragon Priest mask of your choosing
Dragon Priest staff in right hand (requires Slow Time shout to get) and a Dragon Priest Dagger in left
Cultist robes and gauntlets or Miraaks
Amulet of Akatosh
Skills: 1 hand, destruction, conjuration, restoration and maybe illusion
That's all that comes to mind at the moment but it seems like a decent schematic for a Dragon Priest imo