» Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:25 am
The priests are terribly unbalanced, i too met him on my pimped out sneak archer. I had to take cover all the time or get a volley of fireballs in my face.
I think it ruins game immersion and fun, you had a epic battle with a dragon and you go off to collect your new power word or loot, next thing you know your running for the hills as a you have some dude relentlessly spewing fireballs in your face.
Until such time as players pimp out their gear with large %'s of fire,frost, magic etc resist some encounters are ridiculously unbalanced. It doesn't make the game any more better, that [censored] is just broke.
I play on master setting and with my shield + 1 hand character (2nd character that i'm now playing) i run up to any creature and take em down, giants, trolls, cave bears... not a second thought im in there on that SH!T. But knowing that i don't have ridiculously OP resists, i am not even going to touch the dragon priests and for me that it just spells out poor game design.