ok, i have tried multiple times to use magic on dragon back, but for some reason, despite being told in the dragon riding tutorial message that i can use magic while riding a dragon, im unable to...
i see it greys out alot of spells and it even says i cant cast those types... but even when i have the proper spells selected, i still cant cast anything.
i thought they added the ability to use magic on horseback and while riding dragons... but it doesnt seem to work.
the strange thing is, i recall seeing someone's video on youtube showing off the new features of this expansion, and they showed the ability to cast spells while riding dragons... so what the hell?
i tried pressing every button, but all i can do is target enemies, order the dragon to attack, and order him to land... which brings me to my other problem.
the dragons never seem to land.
despite showing they can land in several different spots while attacking, and even if they were on the ground when i tamed them, they just fly off in some direction, or in circles, looking for a spot... well, except for when i tamed the dragon i found at the dragon roost on solstheim... that dragon decided it'd be a good idea to fly straight up and over solstheim, until i canceled the landing, which caused him to nearly nosedive back onto the island.
i did eventually get the dragon to land and let me off... then it decided to turn on me and i killed it.
so, what is going on here, exactly?