Your fine, as long as what you give out does not include any of my assets I do not care what you do on top of the base mod.
Thanks! Anyone still interested in doing some animations for my mod. They relate to the dragons in particular. The animations I need include:
A dragon kneeling before another of their kind, towards their tribal leader.
A dragon stretching out its neck to peer at something (the player mostly)
A dragon chrouching in a "stealthy" position.
A dragon walking crouched, in a "stealthy" way.
Dragons fighting in mid-air (with each other).
A animation that will happen during a shapeshift from humanoid dragon (argonian looking being) to a proper dragon. Maybe with a flash of something in between the disablement of the humaniod and the enablement of the dragon and vice-versa. NNothing to fancy. Just to make the transition look smooth enough.
...and I'll think of more as I develop the Mod. I'll keep updating as I can of more required animations.
I will release a Beta version of the mod after I get the first few quests running properly. I'll post when it's done and uploaded.