» Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:47 pm
Dragonplate doesn't look as good as it should, for sure. The pauldrons are the wrong shape and the helmet doesn't fit, colour- or shape-wise. As someone said above it'd be better if it was a bit lower and looked as though it was attached to the main piece, even if only by a bit of cloth (like Orc helmets).
The pauldrons really need changing though. They look really clumsy and tacky. They should be more the shape of the Glass ones; as it is they're too wide, too flat at the bottom and the concave curve makes the character's shoulders look smaller instead of bigger and more imposing. And the little spikes sticking out the end look flat out terrible.
Daedric would look brilliant if they got rid of the two long spikes on each pauldron as well. I like how it looks at the moment, but I think the spikes are just a little excessive.
At the moment, Ebony and Steel plate are my favourite sets. Honourable mentions to Dwarven and Orcish. I also really like the Iron (Banded and not) and Wolf sets too.