Dragonborn vs Dawnguard, best of the two?

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:13 am

If you have played both Dawnguard and Dragonborn, which expansion did you enjoy the most? (End spoilers for both)

After finnishing both I have to say I enjoyed Dawnguard alot more. I felt dawnguard was longer, more depth and better focus on characters. The forgotten vale and the soul cairn were both enjoyable.

This is my beef with Dragonborn. The main quest is extremely short. I would think that a major DLC would have a main quest that is as big as a single faction quest (thieves, companions). Dragonborn was like: Meet miraak, destroy a few stones, quick tour of the tentacle museum and an anticlimactic last fight with NO final dialogue with either Miraak or Hermaeus. Just a quick "thx bye" from Mora.

Dragonborn wins on lore and nostalgia. But Dawnguard wins on content, story and characters.

Thats why I prefer dawnguard.

(Just to make one thing clear, I loved both - but I feel dawnguard was the better of the two)

Your thought and reasoning?

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Julie Ann
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:30 am

I'm gonna have to go with Dragonborn. My love for the Dunmer and Morrowind in general just pushes it way out in front for me.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:37 pm

No Poll?

I felt like DG was nothing more than some Bethedsa programmer's Underworld Wet Dream. I felt like it was really out of place for Skyrim and WAY too vamp focused. I only have the DLC now for the other things it adds and have modded it so that the DG MQ never starts unless I want it to. Damn it all.

I loved DB as it was just a lot of new content and I loved MW so it was great to see some familiar things from that game. Again, maybe a bit too Dunmer focused, but I've enjoyed it with other characters also.

I would also give high marks to HF as I love to role-play and what it added to the game I really appreciate.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:25 pm

Longer and more content does not necessarily mean better. Rampaging around on Solstheim as a werewolf on the other hand . . . classic

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Anna S
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:14 pm

Enjoyed them both, and I just can't choose between them. Luckily I don't have to.

It's great having Vampire radiant quests to keep me going, and I loved being able to turn people, including my spouse, into Vampires. I thought the MQ was a bit silly with no option to be a Vampire Vampire Hunter, and the Underworld stuff doesn't do it for me. It makes me squirm a bit when people compare Serana to Selene. And Harkon going all Bond villain over the sun was perplexing. The Lost to the Ages quest, Forgotten Vale, Snow Elves, St. Jiub and Arvak were worth the price without the MQ though.

Dragonborn gave me so much Morrowind nostalgia I have to say it's made Skyrim a game that I will never stop loving. Again, I didn't really find the MQ the big attraction for the DLC. For me, visits to Apocrypha were all the best bits of the MQ.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:52 am

I'm not sure if you have PC or not but if you do there is a mod that allows for that.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:08 am

I've already played it, so it's unlikely I'll play it again any time soon. I like to play a vanilla game, but I definitely agree that it would be logical to mod a Blade option into the game. :D

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:31 pm

Meh I liked Dawnguard more. Dragonborn has too much Morrowind vibe, I liked the Skaal though.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:06 pm

Both dlc's gave me more people to kill.
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:19 pm

Dragonborn does not have Lost to the Ages. Dawnguard wins in my book because of this. Otherwise, Dragonborn kills Dawnguard lol.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:28 pm

I'm extrememly torn between the two.

On the one hand, the movie geek in me loves DG simply for the whole Underworld feel as the first 2 movies are part of my top 20 list of fave movies (with Markus Corvinus' hybrid design being my all time favourite monster look)

The gamer in me however is completly fixated on DB as Morrowind is easily in my top 5 favourite games of all time coming in just short of the Baldur's Gate Trilogy, VtM: Bloodlines and Arcanum.

In terms of coolness factor, the Vampire Lord wins me over hands down. For nostalgia, obviously Solstheim.

I would say I prefer DG by a very very thin margin.
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:38 pm

^ This.

I am Dunmer, I always RP Dunmer, my two Avatars have been played since Daggerfall. It's been long enough with me regularly slipping into their mind-set that they've pretty much become alter-egos for me, and I for them.

With that in mind, Dragonborn and getting to go into Morrowind takes it past Dawnguard.

But only just slightly. My love for Vampires and what Bethesda did with the Vampire Lord keeps Dawnguard an extremely close second to Dragonborn.

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