I've played this dlc just two times and it is only for one reason. When I played it first time, I played an cruel orc obsessed by power and it was ok for me that I've became a champion, or in my opinion "slave", of that tentacle kind of thing which someone call daedric princ. But, well, durrign my second adventure of solstheim I wanted to decide not to help haemus mora or just not side with him. Just kill Miraak and go away like dragonborn with no bounds to any octopus-portal-being. But then, during questline, I've realised, that I have no choice to refuse his services or his help and that make me little bit... nervous(?)
It is roleplaying game, so why I can't refuse badguy's help?
Anyway, my question is: It is just my wrong playing or you can decide to leave haemus services after or even before killing miraak?