dragonborn dlc... help me

Post » Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:00 am

before i started the dragonborg main quest line i travelled to solsteim and exedently killed two of the skaals in the skaal village that hold up the barriere... i continued on playing and didnt load a save to prevent killing them. (stupid)

then i started the questline and played through the miraak tempel with frea. when i came out of the tempel after reading the black book and seeing miraak frea didt tell me about the skaal people that were enslaved by miraak and the green beam in the air... she just started walking towards the skaal village and i couldnt speak to her untill she was in the skaal village and sat down on the bench in front of the sjamans house. i tried to talk to her to get the next quest but she only told me about her mother and the skaal chief. when stopped talking to her and walked away she said 'thank you for freeing my people' or something like that. now im confused. is there a way to still get the bend will shout and mabye get the quest from frea as well? i only have save from before i killed the 2 skaal villagers but in that save im a level 17 and at this point im at level 35 and i dont want to replay all this.

please help

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Post » Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:14 am

what system are you on? ANY character related to the MQ of the DLC is supposed to be Essential, so unless you are on pc and did something (mod or console command) that made them unnesstial, then they have no relation to the plot and are nto needed to advance

Also, THIS is why you should save all the time. other than that, you better restart, and next time actually reload when you make that kind of mistake.

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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:49 am

im playing on ps3

and i know i should have loaded a save when my follower killed them beqause i exedently shouted but i thought that it woudnt matter that much bequase they dont really do much in the game besides sitting and holding the barriere up

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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:33 pm

on the UESP, it says that hte quest might not start up at all, so it seems to have nothing to do with you killing those guys. reload a save before the previous quest and finish it again and see what happens, that might

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Haley Merkley
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