Dragonborn DLC is now live. Report all bugs and glitches *HE

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:42 am

I might be screwed then and have to start the DLC over again with the character. About 15 - 20 gameplay hours ago I got the option to speak with Deor to start the quest while Storn Crag-Strider was reading the Black Book (during The Gardener of Men quest). No dialogue options opened up and Deor walked off. Storn was standing there with Mora's tentacles through him from the book and stayed that way. Couldn't get dialogue options with any of the villagers so I just watched the screen, hoping that something would happen between Mora and Storn. I woke up a couple hours later and nothing had changed. Loaded up the prior save and tried again only to get the same result, so I loaded up the prior save again and went about doing other quests.

A couple of hours ago, I found myself in the vicinity of Skaal Village again, so I talked to Storn. No option to speak to Deor appeared, and Storn was stuck again as the book had a hold on him. Without saving, I leave the village to continue the quest I'd been on (Deathbrand) and went back to the village once I'd completed it. Several villagers were now standing shoulder to shoulder with Storn. The book and tentacles were gone. I can see the names of the other villagers around Storn, but his name won't come up and I can't talk to him. Deor and Fanari are still in the same spots they were in before. Looks like I can't advance further in the main quest.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 7:14 pm

the only problems i have had is if i play for to long 4-8hr the world and gameplay mess up and the Ai follower got really bad (trying to kill me instead of the bandits. rise dead spells has this problem) and some of the npc are just [censored] like they are trying to hit me with a sword from a mile a way. plz bethesda fix the followers so there like the ones from fallout new vegas they were good and the npc aswell i can live with rest cause it dosent effect gameplay much. also dialoge seems to take long to start
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:51 am

I dont know if this is a bug but I'm still playing the main quest(vanilla) and downloaded and installed dragonborn and started playing again. About two hours in the game started to lag like crazy for the first time so i deleted the patch and installed it again and start the game up but no dragonborn quest, although now the game runs great. I guess the dlc is coupled with the patch which is why my patch data read 11 thousand something mb's which is odd . :-( I guess everytime i delete the patch i have to download all of those gb's? every time!!!
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:23 am

I tried to reload while I was in Vahlok's Tomb and a message came up that said something about not being able to reload because it was version 0 and the current version was version 9. When I tried to reload again it worked though.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:03 am

I lost an Ebony sword in Severin manor.
I placed it on one of the plaques beside the enchanter, left, then came back and it was just gone.
The bodies of Mirri and Tilisu were also gone by that time, so maybe the game thought the sword needed to be "cleaned up" too?
Not a big deal since ebony swords aren't hard to come by, but annoying.

Also, (I think it's a known issue) Bloodscythe cannot be placed on a weapon plaque or a weapon rack.
It just falls on the floor.
Soulrender does not have this problem.

Finally, Teldryn Sero gets stuck in the Bulwark jail.
Not sure why... Lydia didn't get stuck.
I had to dismiss him (he still wouldn't leave) and recruit him again and he finally followed me outside.
We was in there for a few days at least. lol
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:05 am

Apocrypha chapter 3: if you fall into the water you can't get back up to the platform even from the "book tail" that appears to be the way up by design. The books geometry forces the protagonist to fall back to the water and is too low for whirlwind sprint to work.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:57 pm

hey guys apart from a little glitch i had on the shout which has sorted itself out i've had no glitches or bugs in Dragonborn and i've completed the main quest , im just on the secondary quests now and i'm loving this dlc so much , thanks Bethesda
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Amanda savory
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:57 pm

After returning from the black book in white ridge barrow, the novice level magelight spell sound loop keeps playing continuously.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:40 am

The only issue I've had so far since the new patch and DLC came for PS3 is that none of my characters old or new (which was to test after the old ones) can acquire Shouts with Dragon Souls, I can gain Words of Power from the walls no problem and same with learning the Greybeard's shouts, but when when it comes to learning them on the "Shout" page all get is "Dragon Souls required to unlock Shouts" even when I have several Dragon Souls to use, and because of this glitch/bug I can't proceed with the Dragonborn questline. I've deleted both the patch and gamesave but still have the issue when re-install them.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:37 am

Severin Manor weapon stands and mannequins are both broken.

Weapons disappear from the racks and armor is often invisible on the mannequins. I think the vanilla game had similar issues at release.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:05 am

From Moesring Pass until the Altar of Thrond all the way down, my follower stays at the middle of the road with his face showing at Moesring Pass and not moving at all.
saved the game, loaded it again but no follower appears. After 2 minutes he came back from the road above Temple of Miraak !!!!

Possible glitch...program routine error maybe,.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:09 am

Everything has worked perfectly, but there's one little problem. The Twin Souls perk doesn't seem to affect the new Conjuration spells in the DLC. If I conjure Ash Spawn I cannot conjure another even though I have the perk. Same with the Conjure Seeker -spell. I can anyhow conjure one new creature and one old creature at the same time. For example, I can conjure let's say Dremora Lord and Ash Spawn at the same time, but not two Ash Spawns. This is not a huge problem, but a little annoying one...
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:58 am

Everything has been perfect, except for on game breaking glitch. I can't read "Waking Dreams" to teleport me to the Apocryphia. When I open it, nothing happens, just the first page. Anyone have an idea when a patch may be here? I'm so close to beating this thing.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:25 am

Here is the forge glitch I mentioned earlier:
Please look into it GStaff.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:35 am

When reading the Black Book: Waking Dreams you may not be teleported to Apocrypha. No solutions are known as of now.
This is a PS3 and XBOX360 bug...

Read here...http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/At_the_Summit_of_Apocrypha

Try this: Wait 30 in game days and start a side quest in one of the 9 holds and search around for 15-30 mins apparently this will reset the code and sort out the problem.good luck (i have found it over the net)
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 7:31 pm

It happens the same, as time passes, the textures look really bad
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Joey Bel
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:40 am

The extra bleeding damage for War Axes does not work for the Nordic War Axe. PLEASE FIX.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:11 am

Yes the vanilla game does have these issues. Some weapons won't display on the racks/plaques, and some will actually disappear from the game if you try to mount them. I always save the game before trying to mount a unique weapon on a plaque or rack.
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:05 pm

I've beat the entire Dragonborn story and these are some minor bugs I've ran into. Nothing game breaking. For some before info, I was level 81 with Platinum trophy, 150 hours with a 13 MB save when I started Dragonborn.

- An Ancient Dragon was sitting in the air. It was in the landed stance, but in mid air. It wouldn't attack, so I killed it, but it didn't die. It just stayed there, in the air. Another Ancient Dragon, which I had tamed, also would not attack it, even though it showed a red dot on my radar. So I fast traveled to Whiterun stables and the dragons body landed beside me where it burned and gave me it's soul.
- The Courier came to me nvde. He had clothes in his inventory but I guess he refused to wear them. I guess he prefers that.
- Lip-syncing is off. I noticed this in 1.8 as soon I installed the DLC. Speech seems to be one second ahead of the lips. Doesn't happen everytime.
- Dragon taming is weird. I tamed a dragon, rode him, then I got off and left. But he followed me. I was able to tame him 3 more times, each time he said I couldn't master him forever. Finally he got mad and fought me.
- My lag isn't horrible but it seems to be a tad bit worse in Skyrim than in Solstheim. Skyrim has the usually framerate studder here and there but Solstheim plays almost flawlessly.

So far I think that's it. I finished up all my side quests today and got every trophy for Dragonborn. I have to thank Bethesda. My experience has been near perfect with Dragonborn. Now a question for the forums.

I'm planning on getting all three DLC's. Will I be setting myself up for any problems by using my current save? (163 hours, level 81, all possible trophies, no game breaking bugs). I know everyone says start a new save but I like using one character, that's how I am. I understand you can't accurately tell cause the other two aren't out yet.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:13 am

when the character dives underwater view is completely in black
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Angela Woods
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:01 am

Filament and Filigree: when reentering solstheim at the end if this Apocrypha the lighting sound continues until you save and then load that save.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:07 am

Adding to the "Shout" bug I mentioned previously the Dragonborn dlc doesn't need to be installed on the system for it happen, even without the dlc I still cannot unlock shouts with Dragon Souls, which is quite game breaking not only for the dlc but the entire game :/
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:02 am

After reading "Untold Legends" and exiting to Solstheim, the sky over Solstheim had the green/yellow effect like in Apocrypha.

Looked cool, but just wasn't right.
Once I went inside another dungeon, and came back out, the sky was back to normal.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:33 am

how far into the MQ you are? perhaps getting to the point you and Delphine go to Kynesgrove and absorbing that dragons soul will fix the unlocking shouts? give that a try
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:05 am

Wondering if anyone else has had the issue of equipped Nordic weapons causing your characters arms to disappear? In first person view I only see the equipped weapon and my bracers but no arms ater the bracers.
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